Chapter 14

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Alex couldn't be in a worse position, and by that she means sleeping position. She was placed on a hard floor without a cushion and now she was being woken up.

"Alex." The voice muses but she pushes it away.

"5 more minutes Stiles." She mumbles under her breath, turning around to face the opposite direction of the noise.

"Alex." The voice becomes slightly clearer and she recognises it as Elena's. Alex jumps up, suddenly remembering what had happened. "God, what happened." She groans, looking up at her two captors. "Who are they?"

"I don't know." Elena responds, slightly confused as to how Alex expects her to know the answer to that.

"Who are you two?" Alex asks, looking at the two vampires.

"Rose, Trevor." She gestures and Alex nods, satisfied with the answer.

"What do you want with me?" Elena wonders, completely leaving out Alex.

"Oh my god, you look just like her." Rose muses.

"But I'm not. Please, whatever you-" She gets cut off by Rose.

"I said be quiet!" She shouts.

"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert. You don't have to do this." Elena protests.

"I know who you are, I said be quiet!" Rose slaps Elena, causing her to fall back on the couch unconscious. "You, are you going to try to run or do I have to kill you?"

"Pass." Alex responds, giving her a small nod of reassurance.

"What are you?" Trevor wonders. "You healed when I fed on you. It was like an unlimited blood source."

"Didn't I tell you?" Alex faux frowns, referring to the lie she told him last night. But he simply frowned in response, not remembering what she was referring to but then it suddenly clicked.

Trevor moved towards her and used his arm to force her against the wall, a stake in his other hand. "I can kill you in the blink of an eye."

"Then do it." Alex taunted, knowing if he wanted her dead, she would be.

"Trevor, leave the girl alone." Rose dismisses him, forcing him away from the girl and dragging him into a separate room.

She was screwed. Royally. 

"You really know how to screw yourself over, Alex." She mutters to herself. "And now i'm stuck with Elena."

Alex sits still, waiting for whatever was going to happen next. She could get herself out of it, she was sure of it.

"How's the girl?" Rose wonders.

"Still passed out." Trevor reveals.

"You didn't touch her, did you?" Rose says with a small panic to her tone, almost as if she's scared at the thought of hurting Elena. They must be bringing her to someone. They're both vampires, don't have rings. Are they trying to break the curse? Alex wasn't sure.

"Give me some credit." Trevor scoffs.

"What about the other girl?" Rose asks.

"She was delicious." Trevor responds. "But still alive, she heals quick, very quick. He'll like her. Did you call him?" 

"No, I called one of his contacts. You know how this works." Rose shrugs.

"Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?" Trevor says, getting slightly agitated now, nervous as to what is going to happen. Alex then let out the biggest sigh of relief she could muster. Whoever these people were are taking her to Elijah, she wondered who they were to owe him a favour. He promised he wouldn't kill Elena and he had plenty of opportunity to kill her during their hook-up in Dallas but he didn't. Alex watches as Elena moves around the building, now awake as she tries to listen in and escape, Alex follows behind her to make sure she's safe.

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