Chapter 8

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Alex glares at Damon as they stand in the town square. Today was the day of the parade, and apparently, the night before, Damon gave away the device to Isobel.

"You're an idiot." She tells the elder vampire who scoffs in response.

"Bonnie de-spelled it. It's fine." He dismisses.

"You're kidding. After everything you and Stefan have done to that girl? Her grams died because of you, and you think she's jumping at the chance to save the lives of the ones who ruined hers? Naïve." Alex counters, and Damon pauses in his movements as if her words could have some truth. They continue to walk around the town before they bump into Anna.

"You're still around?" Damon wonders, looking down at the girl, who was intimidated by Alex's glare.

"There's something you need to know. The vampires from the tomb are planning an attack tonight." Anna warns, and Alex scoffs at the girl.

"How do you know this? Why would you help us?" Alex wonders.

"I went to them. They think I'm with them but I'm not. They want the founding families dead." Anna informs.

"when is this supposed to happen?" Damon asks.

"When the fireworks start." Anna answers and there is a long pause before Alex fills it.

"John Gilbert wants to use that invention on them, and Damon handed it over." Alex says, looking at the girl who's eyes widen.

"Then we can't be here!" She exclaims, looking from Damon to Alex.

"It doesn't work. Its been deactivated." Damon corrects, sending another glare to Alex.

"That's what he's been told to believe. Get out of here while you still can." Alex warns and Anna nods her head at the girl, somehow trusting her over Damon. "Where are the tomb vampires?"

"They're already here." Anna reveals and the duo share a look before heading off into a different direction, away from Anna. Alex finds rics scent and head towards his direction, Damon following in tow .

"Ric!" Damon shouts, rushing over to the vampire hunter.


"You keep those nifty little vampire darts in the car?" Damon ponders and Ric nods his head in response.

"Why do you ask?" He frowns, not knowing why a vampire would want something to weaken another.

"Because this place is crawling in tomb vampires. We may need a stake or two." Alex informs and Alaric nods his head, moving away from the two givng Alex a 'be careful' look. Damon grabs Alex's arm and drags her towards Stefan and Elena. He lets go of Alex and grabs Elena instead.

"What are you doing?" She asks in confusion.

"Saving your life. Fifteen words or less.. Tomb vamps are here. Founding families are their target." Damon begins, turning to look at Stefan for the end of the 15 words. "Get her out of here, now!" Damon begins to leave the couple with Alex following behind, but they stop when Stefan interrupts.

"Wait, where are you going?" Stefan questions, looking at the two.

"That's more than fifteen words, Stefan." Damon scoffs and Alex simply shrugs as she follows alongside him. They make their way to an office looking building and they see John outside, preparing the device.

"Don't aggravate him." Alex mutters under her breath and Damon ignores her as he approaches the man.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Damon says, beginning to start a fight.

bad idea, right? (Elijah Mikaelson)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin