Chapter 19

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Alex made her way into her and Alaric's apartment; she paused as she opened the door. Someone else was there, but she dismissed the feeling and just opened the door to her apartment. She saw Stefan drinking blood bags in front of a man she didn't recognise. Katherine was also there, while Elijah was daggered on the floor.

"Go home for a couple of weeks and miss a party?" Alex questions, taking in all the views in front of her.

"Alex, go." Stefan tells her, and she raises a brow.

"It's mine and Ric's apartment." Alex counters, looking at the man in front of her. "Who's he?"

The man she gestures to makes his way up to her. "Niklaus Mikaelson, love."

"Ah, the guy who wants to break the curse." Alex acknowledges.

"The guy who did break the curse." Klaus corrects.

"Shit, so I've missed a lot." Alex mutters. "So what's the deal now? Do vampires no longer need daylight rings or do werewolves turn at will?" Her question receives a long laugh from Klaus.

"Not quite. The sun and moon curse was fake." Klaus corrects. "My brother let that one slip earlier on. I then took my vampire and werewolf and introduced my self to your friends in the History teachers body."

"You possessed Ric?" Alex asks and Klaus nods. "Weird."

"I then completed the ritual and here we are." Klaus fills in.

"So Elena is dead?" Alex asks, looking from Klaus to Stefan who has a solemn look on his face.

"Lets not forget her Aunt and that werewolf girl." Klaus adds and Alex takes a deep breath at the notification of Jenna's death. She couldn't believe it. Ric must be crushed, as would Jeremy. Losing his sister and Aunt in one night would be horrific.

"Damon also has a werewolf bite." Stefan tells her, still chugging down on the bloodbags. "The witches said Klaus had a cure."

"You're blood." Alex says to him and he looks slightly impressed.

"Gotta love mother nature." Klaus smirks. "Now, I can't exactly let you go." He says, approaching the young girl. "So how can you benefit me?"

"Charm?" She asks and Stefan looks at the girl in worry, Klaus grips her by the throat and pins her to the wall. "Okay, okay." She relents. "I'm a werewolf." Klaus became intrigued at those words and dropped her to the ground, turning to Katherine.

"Is she telling the truth?" Klaus asks the girl who shrugs.

"First i heard of it." Katherine responds and Klaus turns to Stefan who refuses to react. "Stefan."

"She's telling the truth." Stefan tells the hybrid who smirks.

"Is the teacher one?" Klaus wonders but she shakes her head.

"He's not actually my uncle." Alex disagrees.

"What?" Stefan asks her in confusion.

"You've been lying to them." Klaus smirks, stepping back and letting the two friends talk.

Alex sighs before looking at Stefan. "It was a lie. Ric asked one of my friends for help and he asked me to go."

"Help with what?" Stefan wonders.

"Killing Damon." Alex reveals. "Chris said he was a new hunter, he wasn't very good so asked for some werewolf assistance to make sure he didn't get himself killed."

"So how long have you actually known Ric?" Stefan frowns.

"The same amount of time I've known Damon." Alex tells him. "Obviously, stuff happens and we didn't go through with it. I like my life here, better than the one i have back home."

Klaus then interrupts. "It'll be amazing on our road trip." He states causing Stefan to immediately protest.

"No, you can't. she's not had anything to do with any of this." Stefan defends.

"She's clearly experienced enough. Will help with other werewolves." Klaus counters.

"What am I doing exactly?" Alex wonders, looking between the two.

"You're joining us on our trip."


And that is how Alex found herself at a warehouse late at night, her phone still broken from Brett with no way to get in touch with anyone. She noticed that Stefan still had his phone, so she would assume he would let Damon and Ric know what had happened. Alex watches as Klaus places Elijah into a coffin.

"I suppose brother, you've been reunited with our family." Klaus muses, shutting the door of the coffin. "Put this with the others." Klaus tells two compelled men before heading over the Alex.

"Your brother told me that if i tell you who i am, you wouldn't hurt me." Alex tells Klaus, staring at the coffin as it gets taken away.

"Really? And why did he say that?" Klaus wonders with a smirk.

"But Deucalion told me to never tell you the truth." She adds.

"So you're that kind of werewolf." Klaus nods. "Chris, Chris Argent?"

"Yep." She says, then turning to look at the man. "You'll be pleased to know that Gerard is currently rotting in a care home."

"I've heard whispers about Beacon Hills. The ravenous Alpha, the kanima, the alpha pack, nogitsune. Even heard about a deadpool." Klaus reveals, looking down at the girl with intrigue.

She chuckles at all of the drama her and her friends had went through in such a short period of time. "Eventful town, what can I say?"

"I also heard an interesting rumour. There's a true alpha." Klaus asked and Alex paused not knowing how to respond to that. Did she tell him that she is one? Or did she just let him figure it out on his own? She knew that the truth would come out eventually and Klaus only mentioned the one true alpha, meaning Scott would be safe. She may not be on speaking terms with the wolf anymore but that doesn't mean she wants him hurt.

"Not a rumour." She said, slowly looking up to meet his eyes which are piercing back into her almost as if he's trying to figure her out.

"Oh really?" He questioned and Alex closed her eyes before slowly reopened them, revealing the red hue of an alpha. "Interesting."

Alex watched as the Original Hybrid walked away, heading over towards Stefan with a thoughtful look on his face. She watched as Klaus revealed the compelled human, forcing Stefan to feed from the woman who looked terrified. This was who he was, and it was just the beginning.

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