Chapter 18

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Alex made her way into the Sheriffs station and immediately embraced her father into a hug.

"You're home." He smiles, glad to have his daughter back under his roug. But he knew that it wasn't going to last long. He had to accept that his daughter had a new life now.

"Just til this deadpool mess blows over." She smiles. "What has Meredith said?"

"Hard to tell." Stilinski reveals, looking at the two girls. "There were words. I'm not sure there were actual sentences."

"So nothing." Alex mutters. 

"I think we need a psychologist." Lydia tells him.

"Or a medium." He scoffs.

"Is she even competent enough to be charged with something?" Lydia wonders.

"If Meredith is the Benefactor, then that means she was competent enough to trick Kate inot opening the Hale vault; competent enough to blackmail brunski into helping; and competent enough to create a hit-list and pay out money for its completion. The girl is a criminal mastermind." Alex explains to Lydia, officially been given the run down off all the event on the drive down.

"Theres gotta be a reason why she would do this." Lydia points out.

"Maybe she had a partner?" Alex suggests.

"I'm only interested in the 'why' if it tells me the 'how'." Stilinski protests.

"You mean 'how to stop it'. Lydia adds.

"After what happened to Scott tonight, this thing's still going. The payments could be automatic. And, as long as the killers are getting paid - and paid very well - that list is gonna keep getting smaller." Stilinski highlights.

"We don't just need to stop the deadpool.." She trails off.

"We need to stop the money." Stilinski finishes.

Alex nods her head. "You guys do that, I need to help Scott with his protection mission."

"No." Stilinski immediately protests.

"Dad." Alex sighs, knowng that he gets to overprotective.

He gives her a sigh of his own. "Be careful."

"I will." She smiles, giving him one more hug before making her way to the address Scott sent her. She slowly manoeuvres through the building, her phone ringing as she enters.

"Hello?" She sighs over the phone.

"Wolfy, hows your home visit?" Damon asks.

"Exciting, nearly died twice. What do you want, I'm busy." She responds.

"So quick update. Elijah is dead, Katherine is out of the tomb and Isobel is back." He quickly runs through.

"Fun." Alex simply responds. "I need to go, tell Ric that I'll help him with the Jenna stuff when i'm back." She says and then hangs up the phone. "Yep, he's not gonna be dead dead." She mutters, opening a door and someone charges for her. She drops the phone and grabs the person charging towards her, throwing him into one of the pillars.

"Wait! Brett!" Scott's voice shouts over.

"Damn it." Alex hisses, bending over to pick up her broken phone. "Dick." She looks up to see a bunch of werewolves and Argent stood in front of her. "Hi."

"Guys, this is Alex." Scott introduces.

"The other true alpha." The older woman says in amazement. "Satomi." She introduces.

"Oh, yeah, Noshiko mentioned you." Alex says in recognition. "What's the plan?"

"Hunters will be coming here, we're distracting them til Lydia can get answers out of Meredith." Scott replies.

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