Chapter 6

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Alex lets out a groan at the ringing phone, not knowing why she is being woken up at this time. She picks up her phone and realises that it is 3pm, causing her to let out a sigh. Damon.

"You better have a good reason for waking me up." She shouts down the phone.

"It's three in the afternoon." He scoffs.

"exactly, now talk." She demands.

"Do you want to know about how Stefan is on a human blood binge or about how Elenas uncle has just came back to life." Damon asks, striking her interest.

"Consider me interested. The Uncle, does he have a ring like Rics?" Alex wonders, beginning to ponder theories.

"Yep, he said that he got the ring from his wife, so that means John knows Isobel." Damon adds.

"But that means that he's got to be Elena's dad. If Isobel knows John then it makes sense as to why Elena's parents managed to get their names of the birth certificates." Alex theorises, making a lot of things beginning to make sense.

"Meet me at the lockwoods, me, you and your uncle have a lot of talking to do." Damons hangs up the phone and Alex lets out a low groan, getting changed into a dress before heading to the party, meeting up with the two frenemies.

She approaches Damon who wolf-whistles. "You clean up nice Stilinski."

"I woke up an hour ago. I'm not very hospitalitable at the moment." She deadpans, looking at Ric for a moment and then back to Damon. "You two besties now?"

"No." they both scoff, beginning to walk away from the girl who simply laughs, following them until they locked eyes on John.

"So hes the guy who came back to life." Alex muses as she watches him leave. "Lets go." She says, rushing ahead of them to catch John before he can leave. "Leaving so soon?"

John looks at Alex with a slight recognition, almost as if he knows her. But he doesn't he just knows a lot about her. "I've never liked to be the last one to leave a party. It's too desperate." He responds with an innocent smile. "You must be Miss Stilinski, I've heard so much about you."

"Too bad because I have no idea who you are." Alex counters.

"He sure knows a lot for someone who just got to town." Damon adds, stepping alongside Alex.

"More than you can imagine, Damon. My knowledge of this town goes beyond anything that you or you or the council knows." He says, looking from Ric to Damon as he says those words, he then looks to Alex. "You, however, are a complete wildcard. But I think you know just as much as I do."

"Maybe even more." She says adding to the mystery.

"If you're planning on some clever high speed snatch ring vamp kill move, know that if I die, everything I know goes to the council including the fascinating little tale of the original Salvatore brothers and their present day return to Mystic Falls." Damon looks rather surprised at his words, but Alex knows that's just a part of his game.

"So the ring?" Alex asks, gesturing to it. "You get that from Isobel too?"

"I inherited it. My brother Gray had the other. This was his and I wouldn't have given mine to isobel if I had known she's hand it over to another guy." John answers her question and she nods.

"Was this before or after she gave birth to your daughter?" Alex quirks an eyebrow and John lets out a chuckle.

"Perceptive." He remarks. "After. But she didn't need it anymore after I sent her Damons way to become a vampire."

"You sent her?" Damon frowns.

"Guilty, why? Did you think someone else sent her? Maybe Katherine Pierce?"

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