Chapter 1

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Alex was nervous as she looked at the apartment building, she knew she could protect herself but this was something different. She was willingly staying with a hunter who had no idea werewolves existed. A vampire hunter who believed argent was also a vampire hunter. Alex makes her way through the building and find the correct door number. She easily located it, pulled her bag over her shoulder, and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal a man in his late 20s, matching the description that Argent gave her.

"Can I help you?" he questions, looking at the young girl in front of him.

"I'm Alex, we've been talking on the phone?" She responds in confusion and the hunter let her into the apartment building.

"Ah right, Alaric, nice to meet you. Sorry, of course. I just wasn't expecting you to be so young." He explains showing her to the kitchenette. "why are you so young?" He asks rather dubiously.

"I'm 18." Alex responds, looking up at the hunter in front of her. "Argent told me youre a teacher?"

"Yeah, I start on Monday. Argent says you're from Beacon Hills? You were wanting a break?" Alaric questions, looking at the young girl because of the vague story that he had been told.

"2 of my best friends were murdered. Not by anything like that, just a mugger. I can't stay there without seeing what happened so my dad agreed that I should go somewhere else for the rest of my schooling and then go away for college. Argent told me about his friend who needed help and because im aware and trained of the world, he thought that I could help you out while you help me out by letting me stay with you." Alex explains, keeping her answers vague.

"Right, I was thinking about how I was going to do this with another hunter but I didn't know how to. Now, we can have you enroll into the school and you can pretend to be my niece or something." Alaric explains and Alex nods her head in agreement, knowing that this would be the best way to do things.

"Sounds like a plan, Ric. How much do you know about them in general?" Alex wonders. She knows that she hasn't met any, neither has Argent, but she could grasp the basics. Stake to kill, Vervain to weaken.

"Vervain, weakens them, burns them and we can consume it to resist compulsion." He begins, Alex making mental notes as she wasn't aware that they could force them to do things. She ponders if it works on other supernatural creatures but decides to start carrying some just in case. "Stake to the heart kils them, anything else they just come back to life. Blood heals people but if you die with it in your system then you become one."

"So pretty much standard job. Who is the one you're hunting?" Alex questions.

"Damon Salvatore." He responds. "I caught him draining the blood from my wife and then her body disappeared and so did she."

"So you don't know whether he turned her or dumped the body." Alex nods, knowing that this will be difficult to manouver with her own little secret. After their little briefing and getting to know each other they decided that she would rpetend to be his niece whilst at the school, otherwise it would bestrange for her to be with Ric outside of school.


Alex made her way through the school corridors, she was on high alert as she went to the main office. She could hear those around her chating about the new girl, someone they had never seen before.

"Aleksandra Stilinski, I'm new." She says with a small smile to the woman on the desk who pulls out the timetable and hand it to the new girl. She meets the principal who insists on walking her to her first class, which is coincidentally Ric's. The principal knocks on the door before going into the classroom, with a smile.

bad idea, right? (Elijah Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now