6- Snow fun

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"Yes, aww!" Nick mocked, earning a warning glare from me and an elbow nudge from Crystal.

"Do you not like me?" Hudson challenged.

Oh dear Lord, have mercy on my soul... please don't answer that, Nick!

"I do. You seem like a nice man and Maeve-"

"Mae!" I corrected. Nick was really starting to get on my nerves. He knows how much I hated my real name.

"Sorry. Mae has always talked very highly of you. So three months huh?"

"Yes. We went to a book signing for a novel we published and we went out for dinner afterwards to celebrate." I started in before Hudson added his part of our fake story...

"I remember thinking how beautiful she was that night." I looked over at him, confused at how good of a liar he was. He looked over at me, his eyes searching mine. "She wore a long black skirt and dark green dress-shirt that made her eyes stand out."

Wait... I did wear that, that night.

He turned back towards my family. "Our relationship was always professional but as I sat across from her listening to her talk and laugh, something changed and we both realized we had a lot in common and it went on from there in the coming days."

"That's such a sweet story." Crystal said as everyone else agreed.

"Mae is an amazing person and I'm really lucky to have her in my life. After this week though I don't know where we will be, I'd hate for her to lose her chance to get the editor and chief spot because of our relationship that's going to open up soon when Whitlock retires."

Mom gasped. "That's so exciting, Mae. Are you going to go for it?"

Wait... what?  "I-"

"That's what you've always wanted." Dad smiled, happily.

"It is. It's all new, I haven't thought too much about it I guess. I really like where I am now too."

I wasn't sure what was happening. Hudson's story made me even believe we were in a real relationship and then he threw in the editor in chief position, I didn't know about. That would be amazing if it was true and a way I could let my family down easy when I say Hudson and I decided to just have a professional work relationship.

Later that night, we were all getting ready to settle in for the night.

Mom gave me a hug, whispering in my ear. "I really like him, Mae."

"Me too, Momma."

"Goodnight sweetheart." Dad joined, wrapping his arms around Mom and I. Letting go they both turned towards Hudson. Mom gave him a hug while Dad shook his hand. "Have a good night you two, we'll see you in the morning."


Hudson and I headed upstairs together, stopping by our doors. I turned towards Hudson, who was already looking at me. "I meant what I said downstairs. When we get back you should talk to Whitlock about applying for his position. He's ready to retire and I know he would be happy to hear you're interested."

"You think I'm ready?"

"Yes. You might not be my assistant anymore but I think you and I would make good partners."

I smiled, nodding. "I can't believe you remembered what I was wearing the night of that book signing. Good job selling it to them, I was so nervous."

"Yeah well, I remember thinking that night you looked really nice... I guess it just stuck with me. I mean you always look nice but that night there was something different about you, kind of like..." he paused for a moment before shaking his head.

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