Chapter 53

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" hmmm" I groaning as I felt hot skin against my face , I quickly woke up when it clicked that it was ammar's skin that was hot. I placed my hand on his forehead and concluded that he was running a fever.

He had complained of headache the night before but I didn't know it would result to fever so we went to back after I made his some soothing tea and gave him a head massage.

" babe" I said trying to get him up , so that I can remove his pyjamas shirt and wipe him down with a cold water towel.
He just groaned tiredly and snuggled into my chest shivering. I helped him sit against the bed before I started wiping his upper torso with a cold water towel to try and bring his temperature down.

After some minutes I decided to go downstairs and make his some tea with my mom's herb tea recipe to make him feel better. I left a text to the doctor for him to come over in the morning before going to the kitchen to make the tea.

After pouring out the tea in a mug, I put it on a tray and carried it upstairs, on my way upstairs I decided to stop over at eman's room to check on her.

She was huddled up shivering in her blanket when I came Into her room so u quickly checked her temperature which turned out to be quite high, it was evident that she was also running a fever. I quickly rolled her up In her blanket before taking her upstairs to our room.

"Mommy, my body hurts" eman groaned out as I was removing her clothes so I could also wipe her down with cold water.

"Sorry, don't worry you will feel better soon" I said before proceeding to wipe her body with cold water , I then fed her and ammar some herb tea which made them feel a bit better and they managed to fall asleep.

I stayed up the whole night while checking their temperature and wiping them with cold water.

It was already in the morning and I was grateful that the doctor was able to come over early , He gave them both an injection after diagnosing that they had malaria.

He advised that they had fruits and lots of water, he also prescribed drugs before he left.

I held eman on my hip as I cut up some fruits for them to eat as she just got her injection and I had to pet her to stop crying.

Ammar was still sleeping after taking his medication cause he was still quite weak. I laid eman in bed beside him then went downstairs to make them breakfast.

I made some chicken soup and oats for ammar while eman refused to eat anything and just had some nesquik.

" how do you feel?" I asked ammar as he woke up rubbing his eyes.

" much better, thanks babe" he said and I nodded kissing his cheek , he kissed eman's forehead ,she was asleep in my arms.

"What are you doing?" I asked ammar as he picked out his clothes from the closet.

" getting ready for work na?" He said setting out his clothes on the bed.

" no now , you're not going anywhere, why did you employ people on your company if you can't even have a day off" I said frowning at him as I stood up from the bed after laying eman properly on the bed cause she was still asleep.

" babe now ,I have really important things to handle" he said

"But you're not feeling well am sure the company can do one day without you" I said letting out a whiny sound.

" ohk fine , I will stay at home buttt" he said raising a finger.

" what's the but" I asked.

" I will work from home" he said no I frowned.

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