Chapter 48

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A week later


" Oh my GOD ! Habibi " I said gushing with happiness picking up the bouquet sitting beside me on the bed, it was full of my favourite chocolates and rolled up dollar bills, that I couldn't help but giggle like a school girl on valentine's day.

" Thank you babe, you didn't have to do this" I said placing a kiss on his lips and he smiled and kissed my forehead .

" of course , I have to celebrate six months of being married to an amazing woman" he said and I blushed up like a strawberry.

It was our six month's anniversary today , even though I wasn't expecting all this cause he's been very busy these days, I'd already made plans yo set up a dinner date for us tonight yo suprise him.

He brought out a wrapped box and asked me to open it , behold it was the most beautiful set of heels, abaya and bag that I have ever seen and I couldn't help but gasp , they were so beautiful .

I attacked ammar with a load of kisses all over his face and he chuckled , I could see at one glance that the gift was custom made , the heels and bag were Jimmy choo while the abaya was from Chador.

" you wait patiently for your gift tonight" I said with teasing eyes and he laughed, I was now currently straddling him.

" I can't believe you got them custom made" I said burying my face in his neck

" you deserve the best babe" he replied and I captured his lips in a sweet kiss , he took control and rolled us over , he was now on top.

He started trailing kisses down my neck while my hands were roaming around his back and into his hair, he took my lips into another kiss . This time it was hot and rough , he was gently unbuttoning my night dress and he sucked on my lower lip and a moan elicited from my throat. At that moment I heard someone try to open the door , then I heard " mommy, daddy" it was eman.

" ba-b-e" I managed to say as he kissed down to my chest " hmmm" he groaned and I chuckled. He got up and went to open the door while I adjusted my dress and put the gifts away.

" Salamalikum mommy" eman said as she waddled in with her small quilt around her shoulders , she looked really cute.

" walaikumsalam how is my baby doing" I said sitting her on my lap while ammar kissed both of us on the temple before going into the washroom.

Eman had gotten used to the fajr time , so it was like a wake up call for her, we both performed ablution after ammar. maryam joined us in the prayer room then ammar led us in prayer. We sat together on the mat read the quran and said our morning athkar after which eman and ammar said goodmorning to the baby. Layla and I went with the. Guys for our weekly checkup , we were now progressing into our third month. We did a scan and saw our baby , ammar I couldn't help but shed tears of joy when we saw our baby for the first time. We also got some pictures and I was prescribed some antibiotics and vitamins.

They were completely smitten by the baby and he/she wasn't even here yet. I made ammar a cup of coffee , I had some lotus tea to calm my nausea while maryam and eman had some hot chocolate.

After a while , eman fell asleep again and I called layla and the three of us gushed over the gifts ammar gave to me and bay scan pictures.

" my brother is so sweet " maryam said as we unrolled the dollar bills together , she also tried to steal my chocolates a few times.

" I feel so single" maryam groaned out after popping a piece of chocolate in her mouth and layla chuckled.

" so how is the crush" I said to maryam wiggling my eyebrows at her and she blushed up covering her face. Layla and I had been teasing her ever since we found our that she had a crush on Mr saidi.

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