Chapter 43

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Layla entered the room after me and I just looked away, gently fidgeting with my fingers. I'm sure she's surprised, the last time I acted like this was probably in secondary school, I was quite a wild child.

" I can't believe this, though I'm still happy you beat the hell out of her" she said laughing and I just gave a sheepish smile.

" I don't know what happened to me , my mood swings have been bad these days" I said and she nodded with a suspicious smile.

" I was-" I was cut off with the vomit that came into my mouth, I quickly rushed into the toilet and bent over the toilet seat.

I groaned after emptying my stomach , only to turn around and see layla also bent over the sink.

" are okay " I asked her and she nodded rinsing her face .

" it must be because we haven't had breakfast " I said walking out of the toilet after layla.

" is your period late" she suddenly said and I stopped to think , my period was infact late.

" yes" we both choruses together before looking at eachother shocked , this could only mean one thing.

" I will send atika to get us some tests" I said going out of the room , while layla nodded sitting by the dresser.

" babe, what happened" ammar asked as he saw me come into the living room
, I realized that my mother in law and her minions had left . I was now more happy that she didn't stay.

" nothing , I guess I just snapped , I'm sorry" I said

" no need , to apologize , I'm just shocked that you'd be so possessive about me" ammar said with a teasing smile and I punched his shoulder.

" I will ask atika , to serve you guys some food , layla and I have some things to talk about" I said to ammar and bilal .

" what things?" They both asked and I just replied " girls talk". They nodded and I went into the kitchen to call Atika.

" please get me some pregnancy tests from the pharmacy , bring it up to my room " I said giving her some money and she left.

" If this is true , we will be pregnant at the same time" layla said before squealing quietly and I smiled.


We paced around for room about ten minutes , until Atika came into the room with the test strips.

" you go first , then we can check it together " I said to layla and she nodded going into the bathroom.

I also went in and peed on a strip after she was done.

"123" we said together before checking the test results.

" two lines means it's positive right" layla asked me and I nodded still in shock , before we suddenly screamed together.

" Oh my Allah, I can't belive it , our kids are going to be like twins" layla said and we squealed together again.

Layla and I stared at eachother with teary eyes before getting into sujud position and offering prayers of thanks to our lord.

After we prayed , we hugged each other and cried in happiness.

" I will schedule and appointment for us in the hospital" I said picking up my phone , to call Rashida, my friend from the gynaecology department .

" how do we tell them" layla asked with a finger on her jaw.

" let's confirm at the hospital first , then we can think about that" I said and she nodded giddily , even I was more than happy.

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