Chapter 30

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My mind was made up , I am going to leave the house today with eman. I just stood there in front of the mirror staring at my lifeless eyes , there was no chippings or happiness in them. I had lost all my colour.

To be true , I didn't have a life right now , from trying to satisfy hajiya and taking care of eman plus going to work , I now look like a chubby cancer patient.

I couldn't leave my job cause my salary is what is fending for eman and I. Ammar sends money every month but I am too angry to use it.

It was the height of it when I went out for some groceries this afternoon and came back to meet zaheedah hitting eman, at that moment I was furious , how could she hit a child.


I quickly dropped the bag of groceries when I heard eman's crying voice as i came into the house . I couldn't believe my eyes when I got there , zaheedah was hitting eman with a leather belt on her legs , there were already read bruises all over.

I quickly went to pick up Eman, cradling her in my chest as she cried , I firstly took her to the kitchen a gave her a bottle of her favourite nesquik before going to face zaheedah.

"Are you crazy , why were you hitting my daughter" I said furiously and she just laughed clapping her hands together,
" well your bastard da-" I didn't even let her finish her words before I slapped her hard across the face.

   I slapped her so hard that I could feel my palm hurting, she was left with a busted lip.
  " how dare you hit me , you pig" she screamed and I slapped her again for the second time.

  " if I ever see you near my daughter again , I will make sure you spend a vacation at the police station" I said glaring at her  and  breathing heavily .

" you're a mad woman , I'm going to tell hajiya everything you did , you're leaving this house today" she said angrily like a child.

" whoever knew my brother married a slapping professional" Khalil said laughing and I just sat on the chair to calm myself down.

" could you please help me pack some of eman's essentials , cause we are leaving this house today" I said and he nodded before asking

"where are you guys going to stay" he asked as he held eman who sat in his lap

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