Chapter 37

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"Why don't you try making friends with people at work, I think that should be much more easier since you work together " I said to Mr saidi and he just nodded at me.

"But I-" he said before a sound cut him off, it was my phone ringing.
"I'm so sorry, I have to take this" I said picking up the call , it was an unknown number.

" good afternoon, am I speaking to Mrs shagari" a voice said over the phone.
" yes you are, who is this?" I asked.

" yes, I am miss kamal, calling from Iqra academy I am your daughter's class teacher" the person replied.

"Is there a problem?" I asked

" yes , we need you to come over to the school, an incident has happened between your daughter and a classmate" she said and I panicked a bit ,thinking of all the things that may have happened.

"Is my daughter okay?" I asked and she replied " yes ,but could you still please come over " .

"Okay am coming" I said hanging up before turning to Mr saidi who had busied himself with his phone.

" I'm so sorry , Mr saidi but can we end the session early, I've been called him from my daughter's school" I said standing up and packing all my essentials.

" yes it's fine" he said and I nodded thankfully before beckoning on my assistant to cancel all my appointments for the day. Thankfully I didn't have any other appointments after Mr saidi.

I locked up my office ,dropped the keys with Alimah, before proceeding to the hospital's parking lot with my handbag.


" Eman, are you okay?" I asked worriedly looking over her body for injuries, as I entered the principals office.

"Your daughter is the one who hurt someone" a middleaged woman sitting beside a girl around the age of eman , said snarkily .

"What happened?" I asked as I took a seat with eman standing beside me.

" yarka marar muntunci ta Jefi yarona kujera [your mannerless daughter threw a chair at my child]" the woman said in hausa before glaring at me and I glared back.

"What exactly happened?" I asked the principal.

" she pulled your daughter by her hijab during recess and proceeded to insult her because she found out that eman reported her, which was why she was being punished, your daughter got angry and threw a chair at her" the principal said with a sigh.

" how could a four year old be so violent?" The woman commented scoffing , but I ignored her refusing to let her fuel my anger.

" which words were exchanged" I asked the principal and she sighed hesitating to speak.

" she called your daughter a bitch" the principal said and I released a sigh of anger.

"What kind of kid uses such words?" I said glaring at the woman.

" but she still hit my daughter with a chair" the woman said showing a small scratch on the girl's arm.

"Well if your daughter hadn't tried to bully her and insult her ,she wouldn't have thrown a chair at her" I said.

"Still that doesn't give her the right"the woman said

"Oh really, call me a bitch and see how fast I throw a chair at you" i said to the woman angrily glaring at her.

" well I could take this to child services agency, your daughter will be punished for bullying and mine for throwing a chair at her" I said standing up from the chair.

" I promise to make sure that she gets maximum punishment and that includes you , are you ready to take it uo with me?" I asked and she cowered back a little.

" please let's settle this with apology between the two girls" the principal said with a worried expression.

" fine" the woman said and I smirked.

After the apology between the girls , I took eman with me and drove us home.

" what was that eman?" I said to her with a serious face ,so that she would know the gravity of what she'd done.

" you say that I stood stand up for myself" she replied looking down at her shoes and I sighed sitting on the carpet beside her.

" that's not what I meant , you should stand up for yourself without hurting other or else you will become the bad person " I said and she kept her head down , I knew her eyes were already brimming with tears.

" I like that you stood up for yourself but you shouldn't do it that way, you could have hurt that girl very badly"i said , violence was something I never want eman to resort to.

" you promised mommy, to be a good girl" I said with a fake angry face and she looked up at me. Tears were already rolling down her face at this time.

" if you cry , mommy won't talk to you and I won't give you the snacks I bought for you" I said turning my back to her , hopefully to make her stop crying.

I was a little bit proud of her but she was still a child and shouldn't be involved with violence in anyway.

She kept crying so I decided that she'd realized how bad what she did was.
"It's okay ba-"I was saying before the living room door opened and ammar came in.

" what happened, eman why are you crying?" He asked picking her up from the floor and I also stood up , her crying had intensified a bit at this time.

" mommy" she said hicupping while ammar patted her back gently before turning to me .

" did you hit her" he asked me and that question knocked air out of my lungs.

" why would you think that, I was just scolding her for -" I was saying before he cut me off angrily.

" Never scold my daughter to the point of her crying ever again" he said furiously and I just stared at him incredulously as he went upstairs with eman on his shoulder.

I couldn't belive that he just thought that I would hit my own daughter just like that. I would have never resorted to hitting her when I was teaching her not to be violent.

Scoffing angrily , I proceeded to the kitchen to make dinner.


I couldn't believe that sumayya would scold her to the point of crying.

"What happened?" I asked eman wiping her tears as she sat on my lap.

" I throw a chair at a girl in my class and mommy is angry " she said and I sighed.

"Then why were you crying?" I asked

" mommy say that she will not talk to me, mommy Id my bestfriend" she said hicupping a bit before bursting into a tears again. I couldn't help but feel guilty for shouting at sumayya when I didn't know what happened exactly.

I should have considered the fact that she loves eman more than anyone.

" don't worry I will talk to mommy , now stop crying my princess" I said wiping her tears and she nodded.

I started thinking of how I will pacify sumayya cause she will definitely be very angry at me right now , I don't know why I always mess things up.

" mommy am sorry, I will be a good girl" eman said running to hug sumayya as she entered the room.

" mommy Is no longer angry, just promise never to do it again" she said to eman .

"Now come on , come and help mommy make dinner" she said holding her hand and walking out of the room without sparing me a glance.

I knew she was very angry, sumayya was a quite understanding person and doesn't easily get angry but when it comes to situation like this ,she's like a volcano.


Why does ammar always mess up like this ? 😑🙄

Thank you so much guys, I hope to see you in the next chapter.
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