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We're all sitting In the car, munching at our fries. .we all also have milkshakes. I dip a fry in my strawberry milkshake making everyone in the back retch at the thought. "Try before you deny." I tell them whilst doing it again.

Slowly, they begin to try it, nodding because ITS GOOD.

After we all finished, scar drives us back.

"Hey." Scarlett pulls me aside as everyone got out the car. You sure you're okay, I mean, it's been a very long gwo weeks."

I shudder slightly at the thoughts, the memories of what happened what feels like eons ago

"And don't pull any shit like that again." She smirks playfully making me chuckle slightly.

"Don't worry." I say while walking off with avery towards our room but when she walks in, I pause. She sits down on the bed and as it creaks j feel a bead of sweat roll down my face. That's the bed I died on. That's the bed where everything happened. That's the room that I will always remember as my bad luck charm.

And if I go in there, what if it gets worse again. I can't let that happen. I just can't.

"I don't wanna go in." I mutter and averys head quirks up.

"Sorry?" She asks what I said.

"I don't want to go in there." I tell her and she smiles.

"It's okay, I'll go ask-" she says but I stop her.

"It's okay, I'm fully capable." I say slightly more harshly that I intended making me feel a ping of guilt.

Ugh, I've got a splitting headache. I'll just go and get some aspirin from the bathroom. When I open the bathroom door, however, I get a thought. An I trustee thought.


I don't want to. I'm getting better.

I need to.

No I don't.

This is driving me fucking insane.

I'll just take a few more tablets. What's the worst that could happen.

I put the pills in my mouth and dry swallow loads of them.

The bitter taste lingers at the back of my throat before I start to spin with guilt. Literally. I feel like I'm spinning.

I stumble into a bedroom and go under the covers absent mindedly.

Before I know it, my eye lids close to a shut.


My eyes flicker open to see the whole cast surrounding the bed.

"SUPRISE." they scream at me but a small amount of bile rises into my mouth before I get the chance to thank them so I swallow it down and run to the toilet to find that my legs feel like jelly but somehow, I'm still running.

"I need to piss!" I yell at them, lying. It must work though because they leave me to it.

I tie my hair up in a firm ponytail before throwing my head over the toilet bowl, sick rising and leaving me from my mouth imtp the toilet bowl.

A string of spit is drooping down from my mouth and I wipe it to see my reflection in the wall tiles and when I look at the actual mirror, I take a step back in shock.

I have bright red bloodshot eyes with huge bags under them. I'm very pale and ... I just look awful. God. Why do I look so bad.

Then it dawns on me. I overdosed last night. Ugh. This is gonna be a fucking bitch to me.

"Happy fucking birthday." I say to myself in the mirror before taking two pain killers for my head and stomach which are killing me.

I need to hide the overdose I grab some concealer and cover the bags under my eyes.i then use a slightly darker tone of foundation to make me look less like a ghost.

I flush the toilet then try not to fall as I head down the stairs. Everyone is sitting down and either making breakfast or watching the tv.

"Good morning." I say while yawning and stumbling to the sofa. Damn, I'm really fucked.

"You okay?" Chris E asks but even though I hear, I sort of just blankly stare at the wall.

"Earth to Y/N." Rdj wakes his hands infront of me making me look up.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm good. Sorry." Scarlett raises an eyebrow from across the room.

"You wanna get dressed Y/n? We have to leave for set in half an hour then you've got some gifts when we get back." I smile at the idea of a proper birthday before going back up the stairs and throwing on a hoodie and joggers. I dip my trainers on before calling avery. I guess the room I slept in last night has became mine and averys room since this has a different layout and is a different door but still has our stuff in it.

Avery opens the door just as I finish changing clothes and I throw tje script onto her lap.

" I need ro learn the lines so can you be all of the other characters?" I ask her, desperately needing to know. "And, it should have the order of the senes in filming so number one should be on page twenty." I tell her and after doing the scene, where I have to sob, scream and cry as I'm tortured, so yay. How fun.

Then I realise I'm rambling in my mind and slap my cheek but quite hard so I groan.

"Are you okay?" Avery asks and I nod while rubbing my face.

"We should leave soon. Its half-mast seven." Avery raises her eyebrows at me.

"Half mast'?" She writes me and I rub my head.

"I mean half past." I correct myself while holding onto her hand but for some reason she looks guilty, like someone leading a mouse into a rat trap.

But avery would never do that to me. She would never.

"Ready to go, birthday girl?"
Scar asks making me smile.

"Yes I am." I say cockily while strutting sarcastically to the car.

Scarlett let's out a laugh while beginning to drive.

I read the script again over and over in my head, trying to stay awake. I'm so tired. Ugh, overdosing sucks. (Don't do it kids. 🫵.)

"Since its the first day, we're starting late." As scarlett says this, I frown at her. It's six thirty.

"It's six thirty!?" I tell her earning a smile.

She pulls up at a trailer park looking place, all of them walking their separate ways when an exited and smiling young woman walks up to me.

"Hi, I'm Gemma, your makeup artist and part of your prep team!"

(A/N: Avery js being very suspicious. 🤔 👀 😏. )

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