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The films are good and the popcorn is amazing but all I can find myself thinking about is what I've done.

Will the cast look at me the same? Will I have to go to a sphyc ward? Why aren't I dead? Why couldn't I have died?

Instead of thinking about it, I start to talk to Avery.

"Can you tell me about... anything? Goof or bad. Honestly I just need to know something about, well... anything" I ask her in a whisper.

"Well, they were gonna announce your casting last week but now I guess, since it's Christmas break for most people, they've been too busy with family and we didn't know if you would wake up since you were actually dead for two minutes which is a long time. I did cpr on you so that's how you're alive. Someone got photos of you getting wheeled into the hospital so that's a whole thing and, filming is gonna start after Christmas." I frown at her words.

"I'd there any good news?" I ask her.

"I mean, it's the ninth of December now so your birthday is next week." I quirk my head as she says this, her desperately looking away from the it movie.

I don't really enjoy my birthday. At all. In the past four years, I haven't really had any presents. In fact, I think everyone's forgot it until now.

The only gift I have had since entering the system is the one off of my sister , but I guess that's pointless to think about.

After both of the it movies finish, everyone besides avery leaves so that we can talk on our own for a bit.

Just when everyone's leaved, though, a nurse enters the room he's smiling creepily at me which I ignore. You should never judge a book by its cover.

"I'm just here to sort your dries and check everything over." He says, implying that Avery should go. I'm not sure if I want to be alone in a room with a man. An old man whether he's a doctor or not. I don't much care about it.

"She can stay." I give her a glance and she reads it like a book, staying and sitting on a beanbag next to me.

"A lot of its hooked up to your chest so if you could please take your gown off?" I frown.

"I'd feel more comfortable if a female did it." I tell him making him frown and take the gown off of me. "Or that..." I say, lying back so that all of the tubes and things are easy for him to get too. I am worried, though, me having no the of bra or top on.

Tw: sa.

He replaces some of the tubes, avery looking away so she doesn't see me topless.

But then he touches me where there is nothing there. I look sharply at him, confused and only when he begins to grope me do I stand up, tons of different things disconnecting from me. Avery looks up at the man and me who's now crying.

She presses the emergency button while slipping the gown back on me.

When the nurse is about to run out, Chris Evans pushes through the door, seeing the scene and looking back at the man who's looking taken aback.
He runs back towards us, aiming for the window when aver punches him solidly in the nose, making a sickening crack sound as he whimpers and falls to the floor.

"Shit. Is your hand okay?" I ask while walking over him and to Avery who's shaking g her bloody hand.

"Eugh. His bloods on me." I raise my eyebrows, letting out a laugh.

"What?" She laughs back.

"You just broke a guys nose!?" I laugh making her smile.


"Okay, girls. Shall we try this again?" Another female nurse asks. I chuckle like I haven't just been traumatised.

"So we just need to take some blood, check your cut and then you should be good to go to the ward tomorrow." Mine and averys face dim as she says this.

"How long will I be there for?" I ask, worriedly about filming delays.

"Should be up to a week at most. Don't worry about it." Easy for her to say.

The taking blood part is easy but as she unwraps the bandages around my arm, I gasp slightly at the cut which has been stitched up. Obviously, it's not healed, fully, but there's a slight scab on it. The woman nods at it. "Looks good. Theres no infection and it's healing well. Now, ill leave you girls to talk." She says while placing a new bandage on it and then walking out.

Me and avery both sit in a comfortable silence for a fee minutes until I begin to speak. I know what I want to say but my bottom lip just trembles as soon as I open my mouth. "Avery..?" I begin, my voice cracking.

"What is it?" She asks me, smiling softly.

"Why did you save me? Why couldn't..." I start to cry and take a moment as my voice cracks. "Why couldn't you just... let me go..?" The last words are nothing more than a mumble but she picks up on it.

"Is that a serious question?" She begins to tear up now, frowning and feel sorrow... feeling pity for me.

"I look back at that night and I think a thousand things. But the main one is why." Tears are now pouring down my cheeks and face as I say the words.

A single tear falls down her face as she wipes it away, beginning to speak again. "I saved you because I fucking love you. I love you so much and it hurts me to know that you don't feel the same about yourself."


😭🔫. Idk why I js did that to myself.

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