The Plan

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**Mature content in this chapter**


I understood Sam's surprise when I told him the news as I know I had been shocked when Daniel/Lucifer had told me. I know that I hadn't done a proper test, and that Lucifer could be a liar, but once I calculated things and realised that I was feeling sick it wasn't really a big leap to come to the conclusion that he was right. I was pregnant and I was happy about it and to be pregnant with Sam's child made me beyond joyful. I just hoped that he would want to be involved with this child. I knew it would be a big change for him.

We hadn't even chatted about having children, I guess we hadn't even talked about being together as a couple. I played with the promise ring absent-mindedly and smiled, well, not completely. Everything was still so new. When Sam left the room, I slipped my shoes off and laid down on the bed. I held up my right hand and looked at the promise ring he gave me. He did say that he wanted to marry me some day. I told myself. I put my hand down as I rolled over onto my side as I closed my eyes. I tried to imagine what life was going to be like now. Would Sam want to be involved, or would he prefer not to be around? No, if I knew Sam, he would want to be apart of this child's life.

I had been lost in my thoughts, not knowing how long I had been laying there with it all going through my head when I heard the door open and when I looked over, I saw Sam stepping into the room, closing the door quietly behind him. He walked around to the side of the bed, behind me and I felt his weight shift the mattress as he laid down. Sam moved over closer to me, pushing himself into my back as his arm draped over me.

"Are you ok Sam?" I asked and heard that my voice was soft and sweet.

I heard him huff out a laugh, as he spoke softly too, "There is a lot to think about."

I was happy that he was taking the time to think about it which meant that he was maybe wanting to stay close to this child, to me. I moved away from him and rolled over onto my back, meeting his eyes as he hovered above me, "I don't want you to make a quick decision Sam. Please take your time." I placed my hand on my abdomen as I stared into his forest green eyes, "Both of us will be here when you decide what you want to do, ok?"

He was quiet a moment as his eyes didn't move from mine. Then the smile started to spread across his face, "Thank you Y/N. I just need to-"

I interrupted him, "It's ok. Please don't say anything just yet. I want you to take a few days, or weeks, if you need to. I want you to be sure Sam, ok?"

He nodded his head, then he pushed his lips to mine, giving me a sweet soft romantic kiss. I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair as his kiss got a little deeper. Pulling away he stared into my eyes as he said, "I don't think I can be without you."

I smiled, "I feel the same Sam, I love you so much."

Capturing my lips in another passionate kiss I felt Sam's hands roaming around my body, his kiss deepened. His tongue brushed against mine as he pulled me closer to him as I felt his hand slip up under my shirt, caressing my bare skin.

He broke from the kiss and started trailing kisses down my neck and collarbone as he mumbled, "I love you so much too Y/N."

I closed my eyes as I said "Good," but it was more a quiet moan than actual words. Sam lifted my shirt, and I sat up so that he could slip it off over my head. Tossing it aside, he removed his own shirt and threw that away too before his lips were once again pressed against mine in a hungry passionate kiss.

I wrap my arms around him and scratching my nails up and down his bare back, hearing and feeling his pleasurable moan against my lips. My desire was surging through my body, awakening every part of me as I wanted more from him with each touch, each kiss.

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