The shooting

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Demon Thomas's POV

"You think you know me?" Daniel asked as he let in close to me with fiery red eyes.

I had come into the filing room and as I turned to leave, I found myself cornered by Daniel Jefferson. He had shoved me up against the filing cabinets with his hand around my throat. His grip was tight, but I could still breath.

As I met his eyes, I was surprised of the colour as I had thought that Crowley was the only demon who had red eyes, but obviously that wasn't so. This demons' eyes were more orange with a red tint and whilst the part of the eye that was normally white was now orangey red the irises had remained black and unchanged.

Thomas could see the demons form within the vessel, and it looked as though it was once a beautiful form, but changed because it was such an ancient being, or possibly whatever it had gone through in its years. I couldn't talk as I knew exactly who this demon was, and I was freaking out.

He leant in close and spoke slowly to make sure I understood, "You are nothing. I could kill you in seconds" then he looked thoughtful as he smiled wickedly, "or I could take my time and torture you for backing the wrong King."

He stood up straight again and met my eyes, "Nah, you're not worth my time."

I felt his grip around my throat loosen as he stepped back, shaking his head, giving me a wicked smile.

"Thomas?" Y/N appeared beside us, and she looked from me to Daniel and back again, "What are you doing? We haven't got time for socialising" she turned to Daniel, "Have you caught up on those files yet?"

I saw the glare from Daniel and was waiting for him to react, but he just gave her an evil smile and said, "Sure Y/N. I'll get back to it now" then he met my eye and said, "I'll deal with you later" he gave me a wink as he walked away.

I sighed with relief as he walked away and met Y/N's confused look, "What's up?" I asked her, hoping I could change the subject before she asked what was happening between Daniel and I.

She lost her frown and said, "You and I are on patrol. Let's go"

She walked out and I followed her to the police cruiser. She got in behind the wheel but pulled out her phone. She was typing a message and I put on my seatbelt. When she finished, she put her phone back into her pocket and glanced over at me as she put on her seatbelt, "Messaging Sam" she told me.

She started the engine and pulled out of the police station quickly. It was a quiet drive, but after a while it must have gotten the better of her because she shot me a quick glance before turning back to the road, "What were you and Daniel talking about?"

I shook my head, "Nothing important."

"Is he bullying you?" she asked, and I almost laughed. If she only knew who it was, bullying wasn't even the word to describe what he was doing.

"Don't worry Y/N. Daniel and I won't ever be friends. I will just have to make sure I stay away from him as much as possible."

I saw her frown and knew that wasn't the response she wanted, but the radio interrupted our chat as yet again another call came through, this time other officers were asking for help. Y/N snatched up the radio before I had time to react, "'Does P19465 need assistance at that address?" she asked, and they replied quickly, 'Affirmative. officers need assistance at 12 Burgandy Street.'

"This is Detective Y/L/N. My partner and I are five minutes away" she said into the receiver, telling them that we were going to be attending the scene.

Y/N put the receiver back and drove quickly, and we got to the office building fast. Getting out of the car we both rushed into the building and took the stairs quickly, but cautiously. We found police officers spread out in an open reception area. There was a wounded officer being dragged towards the stairs, where we had just come up. Another officer moved over to us and said, "There are three of them, they have barricaded themselves in the back office. We are trying to get to them, but they have a hostage."

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