Hunters' funeral

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Sam's POV

"Date, ha?" Dean smirked at me across the top of the car as he opened the door, the hinges creaking noisily.

"Give it a rest Dean" I said opening the door on the passenger's side and got in quickly.

Dean got in behind the wheel and putting the key in the ignition 'Baby' purred to life. Glancing over at me he said, "About time you get laid."

"Dean!" I snapped at him as the car moved and we drove from the warehouse to put our fellow hunter to rest with his hunter's funeral.

We were travelling in silence for a bit until Dean said, "You know it's a good situation."

I frowned at him, "What do you mean?"

"You, dating a cop."

"Were going on one date Dean. It's not like I'm marrying her."

"You're not the love 'em and leave 'em kinda guy Sam."

"This life isn't made for happy ever after Dean" I turned to the passenger window and watched the scenery going by as I tried to not bring Jessica to my mind, and I realised that that guilt was going to stay with me until I died. I knew that Azazel was dead, but I also understood that he wasn't the only evil out there. I believed that Y/N would argue with me about her ability to handle the supernatural, but I also knew that she didn't know the pure evil that we had dealt with in our past.

"You know if I found someone like Y/N I would think seriously about leaving the hunting and settling down" Dean said suddenly breaking into my thoughts. Looking over at me, then back to the road once again he added, "Life's short" he jerked his head back towards the backseat, where the body of our hunter friend was and said, "Just ask Marcus."

I shook my head at his words and almost laughed at the thought of Dean stopping hunting to settle down with someone. I believed he would never give up hunting, and I also knew that he wouldn't settle down. No, I couldn't see that in his future. Or mine. Hunting and kids didn't mix.

Pulling the car to a stop near an open paddock we got out, leaving the body of Marcus in the backseat as we created a bed with all the sticks of wood and stuff we could find. Once the bed of wood was ready, I helped Dean carry Marcus to the pile and we placed our fellow hunter on his resting place.

I stepped back a few feet and watched as Dean checked out our handy work then glanced over at me before looking back at Marcus, "Alright, then I'll say something" Dean announced breaking the silence. Taking a deep breath he said, "Sorry we didn't make it in time to save you Marcus, but I believe you still managed to go down fighting." Glancing over at me Dean then continued as he turned back to Marcus, "I hope you had a happy life, with girls-"

"Dean!" I snapped at him knowing that his topic was going away from where it should be.

Clicking the lighter open and striking it Dean took a breath, "Yeah, well. I just hope you had a great life and we're sorry to see you go" he threw the lighter onto the body and stepped back level to where I was standing.

We stood there quietly as we both watched the flames engulf our fellow hunter. It was so quiet that I could hear the flames licking the open air even though we had stood back far enough that we couldn't even feel the heat.

Dean turned from the flames and said, "You should be happy about Y/N wanting to get to know you and be a part of the supernatural life Sam."

"No. I don't want her to be entangled in this life."

"Why not? She tough"

I was quiet a moment just thinking about Y/N and the fact that she was already involved in too much of the supernatural, "I can't see a future" I blurted out without thinking.

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