The police station

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Sam's POV

"Say what's on your mind Sam" she said, and I wanted too. As I stood there staring into those beautiful eyes the want and desire rushed through me suddenly. I wanted to tell her that I thought she was special. Tell her that I hadn't met anyone like her. I wanted to hold her, feel her body against mine. My eyes flicked down to her lips and I knew I wanted to kiss her, but looking back up into her eyes I said, "It's late. I should let you get to sleep."

"Sam?" she started to question, and I knew she could probably tell that I was hiding something.

"I'll be back tomorrow for our visit to the police station" I said as I turned and started to walk away.

Even as I was walking away I could hear the heavy sigh she gave and I knew that we were both feeling the tension between us, but was her tension because I was keeping my secret from her, or was it something else? I wanted it to be something else, I wanted it to be that she also felt something towards me, but then maybe I was just hoping for too much? I got into the Impala and started the car. I saw that she had opened the front door of her apartment building and as she glanced back I waved before driving off.

Driving away from her I felt a slight twinge in my chest and knew then that I didn't want to leave her, but what could I say that would have me there longer? There was no doubt in my mind that I was feeling something towards her, and I wondered how much longer I could fight these feelings as the more time I was around her the stronger my feelings were growing and the less likely I was to be able to fight these feelings before I did or said something stupid that we would both regret as I was so worried that she wasn't interested in me that way.

You're scared. My mind told me. Yes, I am. I hadn't really felt this way about anyone since Jess as I believed I was feeling a little guilty about her. I loved Jess, and I couldn't rid myself of the constant nagging in the back of my mind that it was my fault she wasn't here. I still believe that it was because of me that she died. I got her killed. It was all my fault that Azazel got to her. I brought that horror into her life, all because I loved her and didn't want to be without her. I was silly enough to believe that I could leave the hunting life and be happy with a normal existence.

Y/N wouldn't be the same though. My mind tried to reason with me, but I still wasn't sure if I should believe it. She is tough. She is a cop who can handle herself. She dealt with that possession rather well. She sat through the tattoo even though she hated every second. I doubt any demon would be able to take her down. I hadn't told Jess about my hunting as I thought I had left that life for good, but I now knew that hunting the Supernatural was my life and if I ever wanted someone special in my life it was going to have to be someone who not only knew about the monsters but could deal with them too.

My mind had wondered for the whole drive back if I should indeed try to pursue things with Y/N, or if I should just help her with this current case and then try and keep my distance from her, hoping that eventually she would be nothing but a memory for me. Would she care if I wasn't in her life anymore? Could I focus on my hunting and put her in my past?

I pulled the Impala to a stop in the bunker garage and turned off the engine. I sat there with so much going through my mind. It wasn't until Dean, who stood in nothing by his pyjama pants, knocked on the window, starling me, that I realised I had been sitting there way too long.

I opened the door and climbed out of the car, closing the door once again. Dean had the biggest smirk on his face as he said, "Went well then Casanova?"

"She got her tattoo" I said as I tossed the keys up in the air, towards Dean and started to walk into the bunker.

"Oh, come on Sammy!" Dean called after me, "Please tell me you kissed her at least?"

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