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**Mature content in this chapter**


I heard Y/N coming down the stairs of the warehouse and looked up to see that she had brought the two FBI agents with her. I smile as I speak to them, "Hi, thanks for coming."

"Where's the girl?" the female agent asked, straight to business.

"Follow me" I said as I turn and walk over to an open office door. The office is empty and has been for many years. Dean is sitting in the only piece of furniture there is, a chair on the other side of the room, and he gets up as I walk in. I walk over towards Dean, there is another door behind him, and we watch as the two demon FBI agents walk across the middle of the room but are suddenly stopped by the devil's trap, we have drawn under the mat and above their heads.

"Were you not taught that if an offer is too good to be true then it probably is?" Dean says smiling, "Enjoy your trip back to Crowley you Sons of Bitches."

"Exorcizamus te omnis immudus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas," I say as I start to recite the exorcism, which would send the demons back to Hell, back to Crowley.

"No!" The demons both mutter as they hold their heads and try to fight the exorcism.

I ignore the demon's plea of saviour from going back to Hell, and continue with reciting the spell, "omnis incursion infernalis adversarli, omnis congregation et secta diabolica."

I watch as they both try to fight to stay in their current bodies, but I know it wasn't going to happen. I knew this spell off by heart and the two demons were confined by the devil's trap, there was only one place they were going and that was back to their King.

I glanced over to see Y/N standing at the open door that the FBI agents had just come through and she was turning her attention between the FBI Agents and myself. She looked like she was impressed.

"Ergo, draco maledicte. Ut ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus audi nos." I finished the spell, but I see that the demons still haven't been expelled from the bodies, so I start to recite the spell once again, "Exorcizamus te omnis immudus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas. omnis incursion infernalis adversarli, omnis congregation et secta diabolica."

I watched as the black smoke spewed from the two agents' mouths and swirled around, looking for an escape, but they were drawn down through the ground, heading to Hell. "Ergo, draco maledicte. Ut ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus audi nos." I finished off the last part of the spell as the black smoke was gone and the two FBI agents looked around, finally meeting my eyes.

Dean stepped up to the two agents and smiled, "Welcome back."

"What happened?" the female agent asked with a frown.

"No time to sugar coat it," Dean says and then adds, "You were both possessed, by demons, my brother here just sent them back to Hell for you."

"Thank you, Sam." The female agent meets my eyes with a smile, and she says, "There is no way we can repay you."

"How about you take us off the wanted list." Dean snaps at her.

"Dean!" I growl at him as I glance over, but then back to the woman, "It's ok. I'm just glad that we could send them back to Hell."

"I can't take you off the wanted list, but I might be able to move you down the list a little bit, which might help you both out."

I smile at her, "We would appreciate that."

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