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I walked into the police station, and I noticed the other officers, who were all demons now, staring at me, their eyes followed my movement as I walked over to the Captain's office. Lucifer stood up and stopped me, "Where you goin'?" he asked, and I stopped and met his eyes.

"I found Sarah, and I'm just going to tell the Captain."

"Where is she?" Lucifer asked and I frowned at him.


He shrugged, "Well, I would have thought if you'd found her then you would have brought her into the station, you know, keep her safe from....." He paused and looked amused, "those that may want to harm her."

I met his eyes and smiled, "You mean, like all the demons that are here? Your demons?"

He looked surprised, but returned to his slimy composure once again, "What do you know Y/N?" he asked.

I smiled at him, "More than you think Lucifer." I pushed past him and knocked on the door to the office. The Captain looked up at me and yelled, "Come in."

I stepped in and said, "Can you please contact the FBI agents I found the missing girl, Sarah Hendricksen."

He glanced behind me, obviously looking for the girl, who I didn't bring with me, "Where is she?"

"Safe." I told him.

Lucifer stepped up behind me and the Captain looked at him, "Do you know about this?" the Captains' voice was soft, and I had never heard him speak like this before.

"No" Lucifer said, "But, I'm happy to go with Y/N and bring the girl in."

"Sure. Do that" the Captain said as he looked like he was going back to his work, end of conversation.

"No!" I said quickly.

The Captain looked up at me, but then to Lucifer before he said, "And why not Y/N? I have given you an order."

"I fear for her safety Captain. All I ask is that you call the FBI agents for me, and I will gladly take them to her."

The Captain looked at Lucifer and it seemed like a quiet conversation was going on between them, before Tanner turned to me and said, "Fine. I'll call the FBI agents in, and you can take Daniel with you."

I glanced over at Lucifer and then back to the Captain, "Sure."

I walked out of the office and back to my desk to wait for the agents to arrive. Daniel followed and sat in the chair beside my desk, "Do the Winchesters have her? Did they save the girl?"

I turned and met his eyes as I smiled, "Are they upsetting your plans Lucifer?"

He gave me that wicked smile and I saw the delight in his eyes, "Not at all. I expect nothing less from those two. I'm glad they saved her" He sits back and relaxes in the chair, "She wasn't even part of my plan, just a little bonus for my guys. She was snooping around and got caught."

I rolled my eyes as I turned to my computer, hoping he would go back to his desk until we had to go.

About an hour later I get to my feet, and I notice Lucifer jump to his, "Are we going now?"

I roll my eyes, but say, "Sure." I make my way to the front door of the police station, and I can feel him following me. I know he is excited about seeing Sam and Dean, but I also know that it isn't going to happen right now. Lucifer was going to get a surprise and he wasn't going to be happy with me when it was all said and done.

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