Here And Now

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Chaewon's POV:

I already let Yuri's parents know about my plans of proposing prior to getting the chance to propose to her finally. The team offered to shoulder our expenses for the upcoming wedding, something I didn't want to accept but had to as they offered the help to us, we'll just cover half of the cost, that's what we agreed to do. But today, Team LESSERAFIM had to debut and being a producer for their album I worked with them the past few months. Adjusting their vocals on certain tracks and even putting their own twist for the songs, multiple recordings were done until we were satisfied with the results. They all worked hard on this album exuding female power and empowerment. The team's teasers were of fallen angels theme, Kazuha perfectly showed this misfit vibes, her duality as EYESonUS' Elegant Swan for her years of Ballet Training and Performance, but another side of her appeared in this album preparations one we didn't expect out of her. So, I was excited for them to debut and we've all freed up our schedules for today and watch their showcase live at Jangchung Arena. The excitement for them to be showing another side of themselves one more authentic than the face they put up for the public to see, was something our team took pride of, starting with Team IVE who talked about loving themselves and the life they now live and that no matter what people say or do to hurt them they will still live their lives and be happy and satisfied with their work. This team however was unapologetic and a misfit from the Korean Standard of doing things, rebellious and living their lives without much care for feelings of the misogynistic Korean public. Like saying fuck you to the misogyny of their antis and living their best life yet. The glaring differences between two subunits which will unite the team for their upcoming albums having shown what each subunit team has and will achieve. It's a work of art to show their other sides. IVE vulnerable but strong while LESSERAFIM just doesn't care about the antis and will do their best to challenge the industry standards. There was no in between with EYESonUS and they have shown that in their newly evolved final line up. It was something IZ*ONME initially wanted to show but we only got to show our other half and maybe a peek of the other side before disbanding and following our true paths. It's only now that I am showing a misfit side of me with this album so I really have to see them live my vision for IZ*ONME. I worked on these songs prior to disbanding and planned on selling the songs to other groups until Yunjin heard the tracks and convinced me to debut a subunit for EYESonUS and at the time IVE was already a subunit in motion, the early stages of forming the subunit and she convinced me, she even helped in writing some Konglish rap for some of the tracks on this album and the other tracks I had. Yunjin was exceptionally talented with rapping and writing rap lyrics. She singlehandedly put a spin on these tracks and her voice amazing coupled with Kazuha's voice it's a sure kill for this team, not to brag but I think Yunjin and I did great with this subunit album and assigning their parts.

We drove to Jangchung Arena, Yuri, Wonyoung, Leeseo, Gaeul and Yujin rode with me. While the rest rode with the others. Everyone was excited to hear the entirety of the album, they already heard FEARNOT which I played to propose to Yuri, it was a song that encapsulates our relationship dynamics, she was always like a lamppost that lightens up my path, though for me she's more than a lamppost, she's the brightest and shiniest star up above the dark skies. Like a ray of sun peeking through the leaves of a tree or a Kumorebi, which is a Japanese word for light peeking through the leaves of a tree. It's a term Kazuha taught me when I held an interview with her for this album and subunit preparation. She thought of Yunjin as her Kumorebi, the light she sees peeking through leaves of a tree, that Yunjin was the leaves that kept her unharmed from the scorching rays of the sun on a hot summer day, but despite shielding her from the rays of the sun, she was still able to see the light because of Yunjin. She's convinced that Yunjin would make a great leader for the subunit because of her behavior towards the members. Yunjin who was Seri Eomma's fan and later on became her friend, was a caring and loving woman who tries her best to cheer on her members and tries to be there for her younger members through any difficulty they might be facing. The subunit leadership was handed to Yujin for IVE subunit, while LESSERAFIM had a voting and interview process, which the members all voted for Yunjin save for Yunjin herself who voted for Hanni who was one of her friends, she thought Hanni suited the leader role because of her confidence plus she's bubbly and had a strong personality that exuded grace under pressure. Typical of Yunjin to downplay herself so when I announced that she won the leadership vote she's grateful for five out of six votes she received and committed herself to do her best for the subunit. She's a sweetheart who boosts everyone up. She knows the girls all needed the boost sometimes and so she tries to compliment each of them.

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