"You can't say that. I am still your father! I have done nothing but want a better life for you. Just because things went wrong doesn't mean I still don't want the best for you"

"And as your dad, I need you to help in this situation. We need to meet with her Becky and we need your help to do that...." He continued.

"At the end it's still about the company as always". I cut him off.

"What are you talking about?"

"Not wanting me to leave is because you want to use me to get back the company. Isn't it?" I asked looking at him in the eyes.

"The company is our family legacy Becky. You are part of the family and you have done much into growing the business"

"But I am not asking you to stay because of it. I am asking you to stay because I worry about you. You are my daughter and I want you by my side"


For the first time, I saw sincerity in my dad's eyes. He's weak. This man standing infront of me right now looks so weak. Is it because of the company or there's something more?

"Please" he muttered.

My heart melted. I became soft. It's my first time of seeing him plead for something. Maybe he has changed. Wait! My dad is good at emotionally blackmailing people. Even Freen warned me about it. I can't give in so easily.

"I know it's about the company." I said trying not to show any sign of weakness.

"But I can't help you with that." I said and he looked at me.

"Freen and I are over. She doesn't want to see nor talk to me. She hates me for what I did to her. I broke up with her already, have you forgotten? You made sure of it." I said and grabbed my luggage to leave.

"Fine we can draft other means but please stay. I can't lose you too Becky. You're the only daughter I have" he said with a broken voice this time.

I walked out of the room and he followed me. Talking and trying to get me to change my mind about leaving.

"Becky please listen to me." He said when we got out of the house.

"I don't want to be here. Don't you get it? Everything here makes me sad. Seeing your face hurts me too and I hate that feeling so much. So please, Let me go.. For my own good"

Mr. Po helped with the luggage. He carried it to the truck and opened the car door for me.

"I am sorry for all the troubles I have put you through. What can I do to fix this?" He asked.

"You know what to do." My short response as I got into the car.

Mr. Po drove off as soon as I got in. I can see my dad from the side mirror. He looks really affected by my leaving or is he putting on an act? It hurts me that I am doing this but I need my freedom. And I need time to properly heal. Maybe after then, I can get myself to forgiving him for everything he ever did wrong to me.

Half way to my new place. My phone started ringing. That was my mum calling. My dad must have told her everything. I dried my tears and answered the phone call.

"Becky are you sure you will be fine on your own? We are worried about you"

"You don't have to..."

"What do you mean? We are your parent...."

"Stop saying that mum! You have never treated me like one to be completely honest!!" I said in anger.

"What are you saying Becky?"

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