(04/08/22) (part 15)

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Dear direly

Jez looking back at there's enters it is crazy, I lost this 2 years ago! And it is insane how I actually wrote dad as Greg and how I was worried about him hugging me? And how I actually gave a shit that mom was once my brother.

Because mom is well... mom now days, and I could not think of her as anyone else, with her being the one to fuss about how tidy I am and makes a fuss about how I keep my hair with her wanting me to cut my long hair saying im getting too old for such long hair for a boy, what I am not going to do, or let her near.

and Dad is fine with my hair and he is defiantly my favourite parent, with mom and Jake calling me a Daddys boy, what pisses me off, yes I get better on with dad, with him understanding me more, and I like him when he still lets me cuddle up next to him when we watch a movie or tv, but I am not assessed with him! it is still normal for an 11 year old to cuddle up with a parent.

Anyway, what can I say what has changed in the last 2 year from my last entry, with wanting to carry on writing in this now I found it and remembering how it did help me, and I have been feeling a bit stressed so way not.

So, I am still playing soccer and is the best on the team, will I think I am, and with me being the captain for my team, and I would say my coach thinks so to.

Sam, who I have not thought of him for the last year and 8 months with only hearing from him, I think once and that's it, I don't remember what he said, and well I guess I am fine with it, with mostly forgetting him now, and have new friends now as well so I'm fine with not seen him, but I do hope you he happy and fine, with still having good memories of him, maybe I should try and reach out? But I guess I will see.

And school is still mostly the same, from what I read from the last entrees sitting around going throw the work in no time , and just having fun with my friends, and the simples, we do not even really talk to most of them, with them being the ones who were baby/toddlers before they shifted in to 8 year old and are now 11 and some of them are ok, one of them is amazingly good a soccer, well not as good as me, but still like the 3ed-4thh best in are team, and is really the only one who hangs around with us.

but does not say a lot, what I guess makes sense with him only have been 5 years old if not for the shift, but he is getting better with talking and just haying around, he even made us all laugh yesterday, with a joke he said, he is kind of are project if we can make a simple, well not.

And it is odd thinking I would be 16 years old and look just like Jack my brother, but I can't imagine it, with him having short black hair, and is a lot taller than me and even taller than dad being over 6 ft, and is kind of skinny with some muscles, and is going in to a career with music, with him getting in to playing the guitar and singing about a year or so ago, and actually being good!

Wait He was upset about leaving his girlfriend! I don't even remember her, with him having had like 6 other girlfriends since then, and he is with some want to be singing star right now, and is pretty stupid, I would not be surprised if she was once a little kid before the shift, with Jack not telling any of us who she was before the shift.

But hay there are much worse things like how there are 60 year old+ men being with 18 year old girls with them both being a married couple before the shift, like wtf, that should not be allowed.

And my love life, well I have started to get interested into girls again, and I have my eye on a girl in my year called Katy she is cute and cleverer than me and every one in are year, I think I see her looking at me now and then, when we have the same class, but I'm not sure? I don't know if I should ask her out, but I think I might ask her to see a movie... this week, maybe.

Like what is the worst that could happen? She says no, and if that happens I will know she does not like me, but god theses feeling are bring back what it felt like back when I was 14 a bit, thinking of girls and such, but I never asked a girl out back then, so does that been with me being,, ,will "new" me has change me?

But anyway there a lot I could go over of what has happened in the last 2 years, like well all sorts from when I felt happy to call dad well dad, and how the world has changed what I don't realy want to think of right now, and I guess this house and how great it is. But I don't really want to write about any of that, mostly because I don't really care about any of that, and I am getting tired of writing.

So, I will leave with this just in case I don't touch this for years again.

I love my mom and dad, and my brother is great even though he can be a dick sometimes, throwing around his much bigger body around, and soccer is my life at this age.

so, this is Luke signing off 

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