(04/13/21) (Part 12)

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Dear Diary,

Well, I realized I did not update this with what Greg "Mom's boyfriend" is like.

It was not as bad as I expected. He's nice, and can actually make me laugh, has no hair but muscles with a youthful face – well, youthful for a guy who is 32. He hasn't been overbearing and hasn't tried to boss me around like I thought he would.

But Mom (old Jason) has become more bossy lately. There's really nothing I can do with her now; she actually has ground me, when I said no, and that she can't treat me like a little kid, she just grabs me and pushing me into my room, not letting me out for hours. She doesn't allow me to play with my friends, and even if I go straight to Sam's after school (which I did once), she come over and dragged me back home, grounding me for another three days!

I don't know why she has started to act more stricter in the last month. I don't think it is Greg, with him helping me get away with stuff, and it's not like she is angry all the time. She just seems like she wants us, especially me, to treat her like I am a real little 9-year-old boy. She even made me sign up for soccer club, what start's tomorrow, which I don't like the idea of and tried to tell her I don't want to go.

But all she says is that it will be good for me, and it is better than being stuck in my room grounded for the next two weeks, what I guess might be true?

I don't really get why she is making me play soccer. I think it's someone at her work making her act more motherly.

But Greg seems nice enough because he said earlier today, when he was here and when I got back from a boring day of school, that I will "love it." Running around a stupid field with lots of random kids who look 8-10 years old. He also said he would take me and watch and bring me back home, which I could not say is not a terrible thing to say yes to. It's better than having to walk/cycle 10 to 20 minutes to the pitch alone, like I said, Greg is not bad.

I kind of actually like him; all he has done is offer to help me when he can. Him and Mom haven't done anything uncomfortable/disgusting in front of me, but he has stayed the night a couple of times now, and not on the couch, and neither Jack nor I have mentioned anything to each other or anyone else. It's just disgusting to think of what they are doing behind closed doors, especially considering who she used to be (my twin brother who I was close to), even writing this just made me shiver.

But anyway, not a lot to write about. School is the same, Sam is the same, Jack and his girlfriend are still great and going strong, but I'll see what soccer is like, never having played it in my life.

So, this is Luke signing off. 

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