06/11/2020 (Part 6)

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Dear Diary

God, it has been like more than a month since I have written in this! There hasn't been a lot to write about, but we are now on the outskirts of New York, and I'm hoping that Dad or Jason will be at our flat when we get there!

But me and Jack, no I mean Mom she has been making me call her "Jack" while we have been traveling for the past two weeks. She says it's because people will stop taking advantage of an adult woman in a boy's body if they think she has always been a boy. She's also made me tell people that she is my "older brother." And it seemed it works, People seem to take pity on a 14-year-old looking after their

maybe 10-year-old brother, with people giving us space and offed help and not robbing us of the small supplys we had, what happened twice before she made me start to call her "Jack".

It's odd to see her act so young and like me and my friends, but it's also kind of fun. I usually take advantage when we are around people, with her having to act like my brother and not my mom, and I even have got her to play wrestle with me, but only once, I pretty sure she actually enjoyed it, but she says she did not, and I still jump on her and act like a brat, like I seen my friends little bros act, with her just being able to push me off her, but I still find it fun.

And it seems that the United States of America has broken up? People have been saying that states have been claiming that they are going on their own, well, not entirely on their own, as they are still with some of their neighbors. Some areas have established their own laws, like where me and Mom sorry, Jack have been staying in this big camping area. Supposedly, only people who lived in the city of New York, and can prove they are from there before the shift, can get in.

So, we are going to sleep for the night and get up early tomorrow, with a line having hundreds to thousands of people in it. But I don't know how we are going to prove who we are. Sure, Mom in my old body probably has some old record that I lived there, but she will need to prove that she is the body's mom, and I am the owner of the body, she now has.

With this body I'm in, which I've gotten pretty used to know, sure it's odd being mostly black. It hasn't been that bad, with the worst I got, is disgusted stares coming from kids as well as old men who could be anyone inside their bodies, what make me feel small, well smaller than I am now, and really unconfutable.

But back to getting into New York city, I look nothing like my old self, and I have no idea how I can prove that I am who I say I am. Mom said her name was Jack at the entrance to this place, so won't they be a little curious about why someone gave a different name at the entrance?

But then again, maybe they will just ask us stuff like what school I went to and what were the names of my classmates and teachers, and such. And the same thing about moms works, for mom, who knows?

Sitting on my sleeping bag, writing this I have heard multiple gun shots in the last 5 minutes, which I think are people trying to sneak into the city, with there not being a lot of food out in the country, and the government of New York guarding their food reserves for their citizens inside the city.

And trust me, Mom was right for me to tell people that she is my brother and call her Jack because we always got food with people thinking she was always a kid. Well, I have always been a kid anyway, and people have been happy to feed us with what

little they have to spare on the way here. But in the last two weeks, with having seen people dead on the side of the roads who looked like they have starved to death or been robbed, and most of them have been bodies who looked older than 16.

So yeah, the world is going kind of crazy right now, and surprisingly, I am feeling okay. With all the trouble going on around me, Mom has really been able to keep me going. Seeing her smile now in a much more scruffy-looking copy of me, I can't help but feel happy when she acts like Jason a bit. I don't know if it's her trying to act like the brother we tell people she is or if it's more than that. Is it my old body making her act more like a guy? Or could it be me treating her like my brother what is making her act such a way?

Anyway, whatever it is can wait. I am exhausted and pretty hungry, not being able to get any food today. So, this is Luke signing off, needing to get some sleep. 

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