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• Hes not even surprised atp, he knows how smart you are

• But boy does he pretend to be shocked, his hand covering his mouth as he takes in another gasp

• But his other hand is hiding behind his back

• You seem to notice and the only thing he can do is giggle, revealing an neatly folded box

• Turns out there was a very pretty necklace inside, minjae spinning you around to put it on you, whispering in your ear how pretty you look and how proud he is ♡


• Makes sure you do nothing for the rest of the week

• So what if its monday?? He'll do anything for his precious baby since you worked so hardd

• Will make your meals and clean the kitchen, your room, your study area

• Even gives you a bath

• And he wont stop either, that is, if you want cuddles ♡


• Sumin knew how stressed out you'd get with your exams so he prepared you a little smth!!

• (And also some tissues)

• Finally uncovering your eyes, you find a self portrait of yourself studying

• And lemme just say how beautiful you look

• The lines sketched with such care and patients, now you know why sumin had been smiling so much lately ♡


• I think this calls for pizza!! 🗣🗣‼‼

• Also makes sure you do nothing. All you gotta do is just there and look pretty and that was already took no effort

• Also a movie night because why not, and you've been meaning to catch up on some movies, also why not??

• His arm wrapped your shoulder at all times, and will whine if you try to move around

• Plus random cheek kisses, yeah, thats about it ♡


• Decides to buy tickets last minute and takes you to the fair!!

• Lots of hand holding and pda, wiping some off the cinnamon off of your lips caused by your churros

• Will attempt to get you those huge teddy bears, but sulks when he cant so you just gotta give him some kisses

• Also the ferris wheel!!

• Makes sure youre at the tippy top then he processed to tell you how proud his is and how special you mean to him, sealing it with a kiss ♡


• Yall know junghoon isnt that big on physical affection

• But when he hears the news hes a changed man

• His eyes shot open and his hands moving faster than his brain, picking you up and spinning you around when he gives you the biggest kiss on your cheek

• Wait whaat??

• Wdym he did that no he didnt stop being so delusional he didnt kiss your cheek and secretly enjoyed it but not enjoying your teasings rn shut up 🙄 ♡


• "Really?! I thought you failed!!"

• His response earned him a huge punch

• But hes only joking, ruffling your hair before dialing his phone, calling everyone and their mom to tell the news

• Man does more than just spill the tea, he makes it from scratch

• Hes overally dramatic when he tells your adventure, saying how you had to cross 7 seas just to find the right answer.. but you love him anyways 🤷‍♀️ ♡


• Hes wants to hear all about it, so spill the tea 😠😠

• Another one to think you taking a test was so dramatic, having to slay a dragon just to get the right answer to a question

• And boy is he listening!! (He listens to you more than minjae)

• He'd be so awestruck when youre done, his jaw lefted open and hes looking at you with sparkly eyes

• Hes so proud of you too :(( ♡


• Also think hes like minjae with the gift giving, pulling out this beautiful bracelet he bought months ahead of time because he knew you'd do well

• But unlike minjae, he takes you out to dinner!!

• Yes, a big, fancy dinner. And hes paying for it all by himself <3

• Hunters prince agenda omgomg

• No bc he'd drop down on his knees to kiss the back of your hand, making sure to look up at you in the process, opens every. Since. Door in sight and also pushes you into your chair. Andd he also leans against the table to wipe something off the corner of your lips, giggling to himself bc youre just so adorable. i could write a whole fic honestly... ♡


• You passed your exam? Give him a hug

• You got an A?? Give him a hug

• You thought you were going to fail? Frowns at you, before hugging you tightly

• Spends the rest of the day giving you so much love, youre only allowed to be in his arms

• And is the boy so soft??? The most gentle hes ever been ♡

A/n: request on tumblr

792 words

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