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"Minjae!!" The doors chime as you step foot into the cafe, the camarel walls and dim lighting giving you a comfy vibe. The latter looks up from his phone, the black mask covering half of his face along with his black rim glasses.

He waves at you, giving you a big eye smile as he shoo's off yechan, that runs straight to your member. "How are the kids?" He pulls down his mask to show his toothy grin.

"You know.." you sigh, looking over your shoulder to find yechan and your member doing their complicated handshake. "No one told me leadering would be hard." Minjae laughs at your remark as you shake your head.

"Eh, their better than how you were when i used to babysit you."

"Babys- minjae, we're the same age!!" Minjae laughs again, his head throwing back against the cushion of the booth. "Yeah sure.." he waves it off before passing you your favorite drink. "But no seriously, how have you been doing these days?"

The playful mood shifts to a more serious one as he leans forward in his seat, twirling his straw around some of his boba. His eyes grow deeper as he studies your face, your posture, checking to see if there was any dark circles around your eyes.

And thats when you knew you could trust him with your whole heart, his body language laced with genuine concern. "It's been alright so far.. the members just got off from their vacations, and we are starting to prepare for our comeback."

"Has anyone been giving you a hard time or anything?" Not only was he genuinely concerned, he was also protective. If anyone was giving you trouble, they were sure to know minjaes name. He didnt just care for his members, he cared about you too.

"No, jae." You give a side ways smile, in which he returns, the tips of his ears going red because of the nickname you just gave him. You've been using that name for a while and although he should've gotten used to the feeling, the soft spot for you still manages to increase.

"How have you been doing?" You return the question as the boys eyes light up, his hands going through his hair as he talks about his day. You laugh along with him when he retells a joke that one of his members, hyunwoo, had told him before he left, taking a bite out of your strawberry doughnut.

"Mm jae, this is so good." You cover your mouth as you speak so that crumbs dont go flying everywhere. Minjae nods as you lift up the doughnut. "I decided to try out a new flavor today." He bites into his own doughnut. "I got blueberry."

"Ooh, lemme try!" You lean over the table with your mouth opened wide, minjaes giggles filling up the small space as he gives you a bite. Your eyes close as you savor the flavor, licking your lips to get the remainder of the blueberry sauce off of you.

It wasnt until you opened your eyes when you realized how close you were to minjae, his hand covering his mouth as he gives you the prettiest eye smile, grabbing a tissue to wipe off some of your cheek. "Messy~" he whispers before giggling again, his eyes looking deep into your own as you smile back, your cheeks flushed.

"Hyung! Can you record a tiktok for us?" Yechan pokes minjaes shoulder as he turns his head, sending you a glance as he nods at the younger. "Yeah, this shouldnt take long." He gets up, gesturing you to get up too with his hand.

After cleaning some of your mess in a hurry, you stand next to the boy, his arm wrapping around your shoulder. "Oop, you got something else." Minjae stops to wipe off your cheek again, the duo ahead of you groaning as they stop. "Can you hurry up and stop being a couple?!" Yechan exclaims, your member covering her mouth to hide her laughs.

"Yeah, yeah." Minjae shakes his head, the tips of his head lighting up again as the duo drags you to a small section of the cafe. Minjae props up his phone against the wall as he stands beside a vending machine, making sure everything works properly.

He gives them a thumbs up before coming to stand by you again, his arm back to wrapping around your shoulder. "What trend is this?" You ask, your arms cross as you watch your member laugh at yechan for making a mistake.

"Oh, you havent seen it before?" His eyebrows were raised as he pointed at the two, your head shaking. "Lemme show you." He grabs both of your hands, lifting one up to twirl you around, letting out a laugh when you get a little dizzy.

"Okay so you're supposed to step to the left with your right foot, then vice versa, kinda making a crisscross shape." He advises, his hand on your hip. "And then you jump! With a spin!!" He adds as you try to do, but you end up loosing your balance, letting out a soft shriek as minjae quickly catches your body.

Everything seems to happen in slow motion when you land in minjaes arms, you hands placed on his chest as you breathe heavily, your noses booping and your lips inches apart.

His mouth drops open as he stares deep into your eyes, some butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

"Hyung? You didnt press the record button. Hyung??"

"Let them be," you member shakes her head, chuckling softly. "I think oppa and unnie would be a good couple."

A/n: request on tumblr

946 words

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