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• He wants to say in touch your feelings, so he apologizes if hes asking too much questions

• Wants to find the problem, and if you give him a minute he'll think of solutions

• You're stressed out about a test? He'll help you. You think you're overweight? He'll exercise with you

• And always compliments and kisses you

• With big hugs too!! ♡


• He's usually great with words.. but hes drawn a blank

• And he usually doesnt do too much skinship, you're usually the one to start it.. but now you find yourself in his arms

• Doesnt say much, just lets you cry into his shoulder, rubbing your back as his chin is resting on your head, a frown on his face

• Runs you a bath when youre done crying

• And he'd love to wash you, but if you need space hes making dinner ♡


• Tells you not everything is going to be okay and youre allowed to feel sad

• Lets you rant to him, would never interrupt you

• Not very touchy, but if you have a hard time getting your words out he will squeeze your hand

• Tries his best to relate with whatevers bothering you, to show you that youre not alone

• And finds various coping skills if you ever feel that way again ♡


• Does everything and anything to make you feel better

• Want cuddles? Hes right here. Want some candy thats not good for you? Hes right here

• You dont want tickles? Hes giving them to you anyway 🥰

• Will tickle you until you're on the floor, tears rolling down your cheeks (OF LAUGHTER!!) and you're begging him to stop

• Then he'd cover your face with kissesss 🥰 ♡


• Thinks he'd be annoying if he talks, so hes silent

• But he realizes that staying in silence isnt always the best way to go aboht things

• So hes curled up beside you, running his hands through your hair as he whispers some words of encouragement in your ear

• Kisses your neck and cheek

• And rests your head on his chest, so he can engulf you in a hug ♡


• Thing this is already established, but he wouldnt say much

• Because actions mean more than words‼

• Starts annoying you kinda, but its more so making you giggle

• Poking your cheek with his blank face of his

• Doing his goat scream thing to make you laugh even more ♡


• Tries to joke around to lighten the mood

• But then he feels like hes not taking your feelings seriously..

• So he's quiet

• Lets you rant and nods his head ever so often, so you think hes bored and a stop. But he quickly changes your mind, sitting you down on his lap

• Will defo contact his hyungs for advice ♡


• Pries your hands from your face, whispering a "what's wrong."

• Very quiet and patient, sitting down with you as you ramble about whatevers in your head

• "Well maybe.." suggests things to do to take your mind off of it

• Squeezes your hand to let you know he's there

• And although hes not saying it out loud, theres sadness in his eyes. He just wants his baby to feel better :( ♡


• Sits you down and has a serious conversation with you

• But although he wants you to talk it out, he wont force you

• Hugging you and rubbing your back for comfort

• Long slow kisses, telling you everything's gonna be alright

• And if you need space he'd leave in a heartbeat ♡


• Disappears then shows up with a bouquet of flowers 20 minutes later

• Hes not to sure what to say, so he'll just wrap you in a hug

• Tries to make you a meal but after struggling he'd make some instant ramen

• And just feels so bad because you're sad and what does he do? Make noodles?? He's the worse boyfriend ever

• But you enjoy the meal. Your favorite flavor, toppings, drinks.. you're not able to tell him in words so you just kiss him ♡

A/n: request on tumblr

669 words

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