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Junmin huffs as he watches jinsik tuck a pencil behind your ear, you hands covering your mouth as you burst out into a fit of giggles, one of your hands removing to slap him on the shoulder repeatedly.

"Maybe she just has a thing for younger guys."

"Maybe?" Junmin turns around, his chin resting on his closed fist as he blinks at the boy. "Minjae, thats your sister." He deadpans, taking another bite of his biscuit. "Cant you tell me something??~"

"No can do buddy." Minjae pats his shoulders, a reassuring smile forming. "Thats her privacy.. gotta respect that." Junmin could see a small smirk on minjaes face, as if he knew what was going on, yet he wouldnt tell junmin a thing.

"Gotta go!!" Minjae waves before walking away, not giving a chance for junmin to question the latter. Junmin sighs, he hated the feeling of his chest tightening whenever you were around jinsik but there was nothing he could do, like he was trapped in that feeling.

He gathers some crumbs from his biscuit, throwing it away as he decides that it was his time to go too. "Junmin!!" He turns his head to the cheerful voice as he feels like he was stopped in his tracks. There you stood, happy as ever as you waved at him.

He wanted to wave at you back, but it felt like something was stopping him. Oh yeah, jinsik. The sparkly glow in his eyes soon fades into a lifeless black as he turns his head, walking away from your now frowning figure.

Slipping an earbub in his ear, he begins to walk to his next class, hopelessly thinking about what it would be like if you were his. He felt replaced as soon as ham jinsik walked through the door. He already caught the attention from the other highschool girls and athlete guys, yet he decided to hang around you.

And there he feels it again, the lurching in his stomach as he tries to shake past the thought. He liked you so much, everyone knew — except you, from what he assumed. He wanted to be the reason for why you were laughing. He wanted to be the boy that you rested your head on. He wanted to pass you silly notes in the middle of class.

Oh right, jinsik.

Pushing his bag to the floor, he sits at his desk, adjusting his music volume when he feels a tap on his shoulder. You. He thinks to himself as he looks up, a smiley boy waving at him.

"Hyung!! Are you going to minjae hyungs house after school? I heard we were going to play board games or something.."

"Hmm." The boy nods jinsik off, he wasnt in the mood to speak right now. He turns his gaze from jinsik, a small smile forming as he looks out the window, watching you joke around with your friends. Jinsik seemed to notice as he pursed his lips, a small nod before walking back to his seat.


With a final ruffle in his hair, junmin rings the doorbell, tucking his phone into the back of his pocket as he waits for the door to open.

When the door finally opens he is met with a kinda short, fox like boy as he watches the latter open the door wider for him. "Hey hyung." The boy greets. "We are all on the couch right now.. minjae is currently in the kitchen and-"

"Where is-"

"In her room." Hyunwoo finishes his sentence as a small blush appears on junmins cheeks. Was he really that obvious?

"Thanks.." junmin smiles slightly before walking into the house, slipping off his shoes as he makes his way to the couch. The room already looked chaotic with the amount of screams and shouts from the two other boys, not to mention the various dice all over the floor.

"BOW DOWN TO ME!!" one of them, sumin, seem to scream, rolling 2 dices as he begins to move his figure forward on the board. The game seemed pathetic as junmin shakes his head, making his way to the kitchen.

"Oh hey hyung!!" The same cheerful boy from earlier jumps from the kitchen island, junmin letting out a silent groan. "You know, i dont think we talk that much."

Because you stole something of mine.

"Mm." The boy hums, taking a drink out of the fridge, plopping in a seat near the dining room table. "You okay.."

"Mm yeah."

"Are you sure? Because it always seems like your mood shifts when im around.. did i do something wrong or-"

"Dont you have a girlfriend to take care of?" Junmin blurts out, finding his clenching fist under the table as he takes a sip from his drink.

"Girlfrie- THAT girl?? Dude thats my cousin." Jinsik bursts out laughing, junmins eyes going wide as he perks up in his chair. "Cousin?"

"Yeah im new to the area.. thats why im around her so much. Even if i wasnt why would i like that snot nosed, annoying-"

Junmin storms off to from where jinsik was standing to your room, almost tripping over a step because he was just so nervous. Jinsik was your cousin?? This is what minjae was hiding from him??

Almost out a breath, he gives your door a quiet knock, stuttering your name out his lips as he knocks again, this time a bit louder. And when you finally open the door, his heart breaks into tiny little pieces as he watches you rub your slightly red eyes. You frown before closing the door on his face, but his feet slipped into the little crack.

"What do you want?"

"Can we just talk? Please i'm begging you."

You finally open the door, a tear running down your cheek. You were mad — you had every right to be. The only thing you did was welcome the boy into your life, yet he pushes it away like its nothing. Like your feelings for him was nothing.

You gave him the chance to redeem himself yet he stands there, like a cat caught his tongue. You scoff, wiping the tear away. "Look, i dont know what i did.. but im sorry. I hope we could work this out or-"

Junmin couldn't take it anymore. You were crying because of him, he couldnt bear to see you like this. So he cups your cheeks, lifting your head up to give you the biggest kiss you've ever had. There was so much passion that it felt like your breath was swept away, a hand crawling on junmins neck to lightly tug on his hair, leaning the boy closer to you.

In attempt to keep his balance, he steps forward, making you step back. The process ends when you let out a gasp, your back hitting the edge of your desk, junmins lips never leaves yours.

His arms trap you in place as he tilts his head slightly, passionately moving his lips with yours as a hand removes from your cheek and down to your waist, pulling you closer as your body curves into his.

"So pretty.." junmin mumbles into the kiss before breaking it, his forehead resting on yours as he tries to catch his breath, both of his hands that were on your cheek and waist drawing small shapes on your soft skin, making your breath hitch.

"I.. I felt so jealous whenever you were around jinsik that i lost myself in that void. I didnt mean to make you cry, i really didnt. I swear i can treat you better if you give me the chance.. but i understand if you dont i mean i wouldn-"

"Junmin." You giggle as you stop his rambles. "You know, when the boys told me that you liked me as much as i did, i didnt believe them.. but i guess its all true now." You send him the goofiest of grins, causing junmin to look down, his cheeks dusting pink as he nervously smiles.

"And besides, why would i like jinsik?? That weird toe sniffer, wont touch grass toucher-" now it was junmins turn to cut you off, pressing a soft kiss on your nose.

"I dont know.. but im glad you're mine now."

A/n: request on tumblr

1383 words

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