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• Offers to help you out with whatever youre having trouble with

• But hes more confused than you

• Hes kinda like that incredibles meme, where the dad is like "why did they change math?!"

• Hes just "😀 anywayss~" pushes the thing aside and starts talking to you

• Sure your assignment is due in a few days, but with the way minjae is making you laugh, you'll just push it off until tomorrow ♡


• "Hey, hey, breath! Breath!!" He'd notice your breaths shallow

• Laces your hands together, making you rest your head on his shoulder

• Scolds you (affectionately) about you overworking yourself

• Doesnt let you leave his hold either

• A pout on his face because he just cant believe you :( ♡


• "But hey!" He'd bump your shoulder, "at least you finished that paper!"

• "And you did this! So take a break, you deserve it!!"

• Will not let you do anything else for the day. The only thing you can do is lay next to him on his bed

• Will suggest to massage your shoulders or anywhere else where you've gone tension

• And best guarantee that he'll praise anything you'll do ♡


• Disappears and comes back with lots of DIY projects to do

• And you'll spend the whole day doing that

• Jinsiks painting you a wooden butterfly, youre making something to scare the others

• You decide to test it on jinsik, and it definitely scared him (he wouldnt tell you that though)

• And you'll spend the next morning laughing at the boys reactions ♡


• It would start with hyunwoo laying you down and rubbing your stomach

• But soon you notice his eyes struggling to stay open, so you just turn around and hug him

• Melts in your arms, his around your waist as he pulls you closer

• So now your head is on his chest, and his is on your shoulder

• And you fall asleep like that, your hands lacing together ♡


• Finds some coloring books thats just been marinating at some place

• Plus some old crayons/markers

• And hands them to you with a small smile

• Suggests to play some music while you color your hearts out

• Will defo make fun of you if you color outside the lines ♡


• Would put his hands over your eyes and refuses to drop them as he drags you somewhere

• Turns out youre just going for a walk around the neighborhood, seeuns fingers quickly lacing with yours

• Talks about anything and everything to take your mind off of it

• Makes you walk on the inside of the sidewalk, away from the cars

• And even take you for some icecream if youre in the mood ♡


• "Wanna try this new snack i bought?" He'd try to take your attention off of it

• Even if its unhealthy, he just wanna make you feel good

• Feeding you the snacks as he turns on the television, not letting you do anything but rest

• "Should i buy more of these?" He noticed that you were done with your bag in a matter of seconds

• And even indulge in a 'snacks' conversation, saying which was your favorite, what youre sad discontinued, etc. etc. ♡


• "Oh my god, i just discovered this new song!!" Hunter would exclaim once you mentioned how stressed you were

• Shares and earphone with you.. not to mention how close hes sitting next to you

• Shows you ateez sunbaenim's newest album, dancing along with the songs in a silly matter to make you laugh

• "Which one was your favorite!?" Hes so curious about your taste, and will play it again, immediately agreeing

• He just wanted to pass his love for ateez to you ♡ (THE ALBUMS FIRE OMG)


• Another baby that wants to show you something that interests him

• He's found this tiktoker that makes lots of funny videos, and hes just spamming them to you at the point

• Laughs so loud at whatever the tiktoker says, but he softens when you start laughing

• Stares at you fondly as he watches the smile on your face increase, but looks away when you catch him

• "What are you looking at?" "N-nothing.." he quickly looks down, his face red ♡

A/n: request on tumblr

696 words

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