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You were asleep, fast asleep, your head placed onto yechans shoulder, with your arms wrapped around his. In normal situations, he would have laughed it off, taking a picture to tease you later.

But not now.

His cheeks redder than his hair as he froze, his heart pounding out of his chest as your soft snores echo the room.

What should he do? Should he wake you up? Should he leave you there? His mind was spinning, his stomach was twisting. It was too much.

His eyes lingered onto your sleeping figure, landing at your face as he watches you sleep. Was this creepy? He thought to himself, studying your features closely. You looked absolutely adorable, from your swollen cheeks to puffy lips. It was too much.

He shouldn't think of you like this. You were his best friend and there was no way you saw him the same way he saw you. Heck, you'd probably laugh at him or feel weirded out and your friendship would be ruined.

That's why he kept his feelings at bay, burying them deep inside him. But not now, it was too much.

His mind tried to convince his heart it was a bad idea, but his heart was too stubborn; his hand was already cupping your cheek. Your skin was soft, like mochi as a smile slowly forms on your face. He gasps. Could you feel the same?

He shakes his head, a little too hard as he accidentally shakes you, a small 'hm' leaving your lips. "Sorry.." he mutters, before grabbing your shoulder slowly, shaking it softly.

"Toot toot? Wake up, the movies over," he shakes you again, your eyes fluttering opening softly. You yawn, another hum leaving your lips as you stretch, your focus on the tv.

"Oh shoot.. did I fall asleep?" You wake up fully, the end credits rolling. "Yeah." He answers simply, his back resting again the couch as a hand runs through his hair.

"Sorry," you smile sheepishly, another yawn leaving your lips as yechan shakes his head. "Its nothing, the movie was boring anyway."

"Oh?" You respond, yechan humming in response as he glances at your direction. So cute. He smiles to himself, playing around with his fingers as he looks down.

Grrr, your stomach growls as you and yechan share a look, before bursting with laughter. "Are you hungry?" Yechan loud laugh echoes the room as you look down, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"I told you you should of ate something~" Yechan shakes his head before standing up, brushing off his pants before offering you his hand. "Come on toot toot."

Toot toot. It was a silly nickname and something he used to make fun of you. You hated it at first but soon grown fond of it, your heart skipping a beat.

You hand lands on his, the grip tightening as he helps you to your feet.


"I have some left over fries and-"

"DINO NUGGIES!!" You shout, cutting him off as you hurriedly stuff one into your mouth. In normal situations, he would have laughed at you before following your actions.

But not now.

Nope, he was frozen again, his heart pounding again as he finds your messy figure.. cute.

Should he be saying that? He ponders, sitting down on a chair as his chin falls onto his hand.

His hyungs always teased the two of you, now to think about it, saying how cute of a couple you would be and how dumb you were for not noticing each others feelings. Was that true? Was he just blindly in love, so in love that he didnt notice your feelings?

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