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"Hey.." you eyes flutter open as you feel your body shake. "Go put on some shoes." a voice whispers in your ear, before walking out of your room and closing the door.


And now you were walking with seeun, his arm wrapped around yours as you rubbed the sleepness out of your eyes. "Sleepy head." He chuckles, ruffling your hair as he drags you to a convenient store.

"Why.. are we here again?" You yawn, shutting your eyes as the bright lights blind you. "To hang out." He simple answers, grabbing a bag of chips and passing it to you. "We hung out yesterday." You reply.

"I missed you." He smiles with a shrug. "And just so you're not sitting down doing nothing all day." He adds, his hands lacing with yours as he drags you to the soda section. "Now do you want blueberry or grape?"

"Blueberry." You answer, your eyebrow raising. "You're acting different today.."

"Because im with my favorite person."

"What do you want??" You cross your arms. seeun wasnt just being nice without any reason; he probably wanted something from you

"To hang out with my favorite person in the whole wide world." He leans down to your level, his nose booping with yours as his sparkly eyes stare at you. "I-" you gulp.

"You two are such a cute couple." A random person comes from beside you, grabbing the drink you were just about to take with a small bow.

"Oh we arent-"

"Thank you!!" Seeun smiles brightly, waving at the girl before taking a strawberry soda and walking away. "Yah!!" You run after him, bumping into his shoulder as you stomp like a child. "What was that for?!" Your arms cross again, a light blush on your cheeks that you just wish wasnt there.

"Aww you look so cute~" seeun pinches your cheek to piss you off further, paying for the food with one hand, opening the bag of chips and stuffing one into your mouth with the other. "Come, come!!"

He drags you to a little sitting area behind the store, stuffing another chip in your mouth to keep you from talking. "Isn't today just nice??"

"It would be nice if you just told me what was going on." You huff, wiping a crumb from your mouth. "Then thats no fun." Seeun opens his drink, looking up at the sky. "Looks like its gonna rain.." he mumbles under his breath, more so to himself.

"It's gonna wha-"

"Lets go!!" He claps his hands, stopping your sentence as he throws the wrappers in the trash. Grabbing your hand, he walks you back to the sidewalk. "I can walk properly on my own, you know." You shake your hands from his, a pout on his face.

"Come on, pleasee??"


"My pookie wookie bear cherry on top-"

"Absolutely not." You cut him off, running ahead of the boy as he laughs. His arms wrap around your shoulders to slow you down, your back hitting his chest as he lifts up your head; his shiny eyes staring back into yours with a silly smile.

"Lemme walk you home." He whispers, leaning down to kiss your forehead when a water drop falls on you. "Eww, did you just drool?!" You exclaim, getting out of his hold.

"No, there was just a drop of water and-" a drop falls on his eyelash. "Why is there- oh yeah its raining." He deadpans, answering his own question as the rain starts to get a bit heavier.

"Well are you just going to stand there?? Its cold.." you rub your arms, turning around to find the boy still not moving for shelter. "Well then take my jacket." Seeun slips off his jacket, passing it to you.

"What, no, you're going to get cold too."

"No, it's fine, take it." He shakes the jacket around for you to take, sighing when you still shake your head no. "Fine, how about we make a deal, you'll wear this jacket and I'll keep myself warm."

"And how would you do that??" You look at the boy confusingly, stepping back when he steps towards you. "Like this.." he whispers before cupping your face, and placing a soft, short kiss on your lips. You get a faint taste of strawberry when he pulls away, his face redder than what he drunk.

"I definitely feel warm now."

A/n: request on tumblr

735 words

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