CHAPTER 18•||Incomplete Dreams!!||•

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I don't know about anything else but what I do know is that I was right. Seeing yn working here means there's something happened and I don't care how much it's going to hurt me in the end I'm going to find out what the hell is going on with her. Because, if there's something that's making her do this or something that is hurting her, I'll fucking destroy it before it can harm my cupcake, my yn.

Because there's nothing that would make me at peace than seeing my yn happy even if that means destroying myself.

I stand a lil far from the entry of club but at a distance where I can watch her.

Jimin knew about yn working here didn't he? That's why he remind me about the car.But Since when she's here? It couldn't be long because I know jimin wouldn't have hide it.

It's okay, I'm going to get answers soon anyway. I stayed there only while my eyes stayed on her. I told myself it's because I wanna keep an eye on her but I know better than anyone it's because to keep an eye on others not to do something stupid to her that might cost their life.

Well, everyone was quite intelligent since no one tried something. It's almost 1 A.m now , how long is she going to work  here? It's getting late, how does she even go home? her husb...nope no, I don't want to think about it.

It was 1:45 A.M when yn said something to the manager and went inside. I guess she's leaving now. But why the fuck I don't see anybody here picking her up? Is her husb..I mean "whoever that asshole is" doesn't even care to pick her up? Don't he know it's not safe..Is she going to take cab? This late?

After 9 minutes 21 seconds, (No I wasn't counting, I wasn't.. okay maybe I was) she came out but instead of waiting for cab she started walking..

what the actual Fuck....wait is she taking bus? Is she crazy? How can she go alone in bus thi- wait No bus leaves at this time. Then how is she- don't tell me she's going to walk home? Alone? At fucking 2 A.M? She was stupid but I didn't know this much. god, this girl. what if someone...someone- Relax tae, you know your yn,she can handle herself. But still this is not the time to be superwoman.

I left my car at the club only and started walking behind  her at a safe distance so she won't suspect. There's not a single soul here, how can she think of walking home alone? Even cab will be better than this.

Cupcake, you are making me having bad thoughts.I want to know what's going on with you but...but what if I don't like it after finding out?

I removed those thoughts and kept following her. Like always her eyes are towards the sky instead of in front. But she did kept watching the road as well which in past she never did. Whenever I used to tell her to keep her eyes on the road she'll always reply-

"Baby, you are here to watch for me aren't you?I don't need to be careful when you are with me taetae"

"But what if I'm not here, cupcake?"

"you'll be here, always I know. You'll never leave me love"

you were right ynnie, I'm here but....but you weren't here. I never left you, but you did. You left me cupcake, you left me.

I wonder what she's thinking while watching those twinkling stars, she has always loved stargazing and it was our dream to do this every night after we went to college but..but she never came there, until Now.

I wonder if she remember our promise of doing this together? Taking a late night walk, hand in hand and then sitting in the middle of road while we admire the mesmerizing night sky.

I wonder what she think while watching the sky now? Does she think of me? our dreams? Dreams that are incomplete because she left me, left us?

I immediately hid behind a pole when she suddenly stopped and turned. She must sensed someone is behind her. Not founding anyone she resumed her walk. Stupid girl, how can she think of walking home alone? what if I wasn't here?

And that jimin, he's going to regret this.First how can he let work yn at a place like this, second why the fuck he isn't himself dropping her or atleast should've told me so that I can- no I..I mean why he hasn't arranged a car or something to drop her safely.

Rest of the distance passed just like that, me behind her, me watching her admiring the sky and me admiring my cupcake after..after so long. She stopped in front of a building making me realise we reached . I waited behind a car till about 5 minutes after she went inside, making sure no one goes after her.

stupid tae, what if someone is already inside waiting for he- shut up tae. Stop thinking so negatively. But wha..what if...No no I need to make sure she's safely inside her home.

But how? should I tell jimin to check on her? No, th..that's not a good choice. Then? Should I go inside? But I don't know her house number and..and I don't really wanna see something I'll regret.

I was thinking of ways when I saw the lights getting on of one of the houses in the building and I don't know how but I know it's her, I know she's safely inside the home. Call it intuition or my love for her, I know it's her inside and she's safe.

Cupcake, rest well tonight because from tomorrow you are going to need to tell me everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

I was about to turn when I saw a shadow near the window of the house whose lights got turned on earlier, the house she lives in. And I know it's her.It felt as if she knows I'm here so she's trying to assure me she's home.

I know I know I should stop being delusional. But when it comes to her, it's better to be delusional than face the reality which can destroy me.
Qotd:Are you excited for what's going to happen from tomorrow?


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