CHAPTER 12•||Bad Guy!!||•

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Yn and jihoon came back home with Aera and were about to go upstairs when jihoon said-

Jihoon(pointing at the balloon seller) : Eomma, can I have that balloon.

yn: jihoon, no you al-

Aera- of course you can jihoon

yn: Aera!

Aera: Not listening, come jihoon let's get that balloon.

Yn: Fine, I'll go and open the door till then.

Yn went upstairs leaving the two , just as she took a turn towards her house, she gasped.

yn: Jimin???

Jimin immediately turned towards yn on hearing her voice.He tried to get up and trying to think if he's dreaming or if she's really here? He rubbed his eyes and surely she was still here.

Yn: what happened? why ar-

She stopped when suddenly jimin came to her and grabbed her shoulders tightly.

Jimin: wh..where did you went? were you planning to run away again? were you planning to leave me again?

Yn: minnie, it's hur-

Jimin: Tell me why didn't you come today? were you running away again?

Yn: Jimin, what's wrong with you? Leave me it's hurti-

Jihoon: Leave my eomma!

Both yn and jimin turned to see jihoon looking at them with teary eyes, all scared and in pain. He immediately ran to yn and tried to push jimin with his baby hands.

Jimin was too lost of what's happening that he allowed himself to be pushed back..Meanwhile , jihoon started crying and yn immediately hold him up in her arms.

Yn: Jihoon, wh-

Jihoon: Bad..bad guy (he spoke with his broken voice)

Yn: No baby, he is-

Jihoon: Don't hur..hurt my eomma. Bad guy!

Jimin not realising what's happening tried to move towards them but -

Jihoon:No..don..don't come near my eomma. Go away! Gooo awayyy!!

He kept on murmuring while his tears kept on falling down his cheeks.

Jimin: Yniee, what's happ-

Jihoon: Bad guyy, bad gu..guyy! Aer..Aera call call police..he he is hurti-

Yn: Jihoon-ah! sshh , he's not a bad guy. He is eomma's fr-

Jihoon: Nooo, he..he was hurting you. I... I won't let anyone hurt you again.. I..won't

yn heartbreak on hearing her son's words. She knew this scene has triggered jihoon's past memories. She hugged him more tightly and caressed his hairs.

Yn: Shh, see eomma is okay. Now go inside with Aera, I'll com-

Jihoon: No, I..I won't leave you alone with ba...bad guy!

Yn: Jihoon! Plea-

Jihoon clinged to her more tightly not giving her a chance to make him leave. She looked at jimin who looked quite shock with what's happening. He didn't understand jihoon's behavior, but the feeling he was having was something he didn't wanted to ever have.

yn: I..I'll meet you tomorrow jimin. I know you probably have many questions but right now I can't answer any of them.

She was going inside her home when she abruptly stopped and looked back at jimin.

Yn: I promise jimin, I won't leave again! I'll meet you tomorrow!

Yn went inside with jihoon who hasn't stopped crying leaving jimin alone...with Aera who was too shocked to even speak and whom jimin still hasn't noticed her. Without even glancing in a direction of Aera, jimin left leaving Aera with thousands of unanswered questions.

Aera: Isn't he..he jin's brother's bestfriend? Then how come here? and how yn and he knows each other?Don't tell me he's the one yn loved in school? God no, he is married and even have a kid. Yn will be heartbro--Wait a minute, he isn't a professor though. He owns a clu-

Aera stopped as the realisation hit her.

Aera: Oh my god! He is yn's bestfriend? The one she was talking about owning the club? I guess I know why people says " This world is too small" . But if he is yn's bestfriend then the guy yn loved is his bestfriend right? That means the guy yn loved is.............. taehyung?

As Aera made the connection, she lost her balance.

Aera: No no no no, this isn't true. Of course He wouldn't have only one bestfriend right? There must be someone els-

"He came all drunk home yesterday. He don't drink much but whenever he do, it's because of that girl only. I don't know what happened but I'm sure it has everything to do with that girl"

Aera stopped when she remembered her conversation with jin today. And she immediately tried to remember everything jin told her about taehyung, about how he was left heartbroken by a girl.

Aera: taehyung the guy yn loved? God! why why this is getting too complicated. But it's not possible now is it? If taehyung is the guy then yh and jin would have known each other and if they knew each other already, neither yn would take Jin's help in court case nor jin will help yn. Yes, taehyung isn't the guy, he can't be....right?

yn: Jihoon, let's get you in bed okay?

Jihoon: No, don't..don't go..

Yn: Baby, I'm here only. Eomma isn't going anywhere.

Jihoon: Promise?

Yn: Promise jihoon-ah!

Jihoon still didn't stopped crying and didn't let go of his eomma either. He slept while tightly hugging her trying to ensure she don't leave. Aera came inside and debated if she should ask yn or not. Seeing the condition of jihoon, she decided against it and quietly went into her room thinking about what will happen if it's... taehyung only.

She knows how much jin hates the girl taehyung loves and if he founds out it's yn, he'll be hurt very badly because yn is like a sister to him and she can't bear to see that.

Meanwhile, whatever happened in front of yn's house left jimin shaken to the extent he isn't aware of his surroundings anymore. He don't know what to think anymore, so he just kept wishing that everything goes smoothly tomorrow.

jimin has been waiting for yn since past hour but she still haven't came.

Jimin: She'll come. She said she won't leave again! I believe her, I want to believe her. she'll come. she'll.... right?

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