Chapter 25: A Night to Remember

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Yo yo yo! Two things... Number 1: You look fantastic today :) and Number 2: We're on chapter 25 of Alone Together! This is a big deal y'all because we have come so far and it's all because of you guys' support. So let's have all of our beloved characters raise their glasses and cheers to YOU, dear reader :)

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Chapter 25: A Night to Remember

Clarke's P.O.V (6:30pm):

Partying was never something I really did back on the Ark. I went to some engineer parties with my dad here and there but those were more company get-togethers rather than parties. As I said near the beginning of this adventure: I never really hung out with people my age back on the Ark. Wells was the only person I ever spent my free time with, other than my parents, and he was more like a brother than a friend. I miss him... I wish he were here with all of us.

We had all finished eating Murphy's delicious, and I mean it when I say that, delicious spaghetti that he cooked us. I guess having no parents to take care of you teaches you how to make some good food all by yourself... After we ate, we took turns taking showers in the bathrooms of the house. Raven told us we just had to let the water run for a bit and cycle all that gross old water out. Sure enough, she was right and after about 10 minutes we had fresh clear water to clean ourselves in.

Our little night of partying had officially begun and most of the group was already feeling the effects of the liquor that Raven and Kane had found. I already drank a bit when I had my chugging competition against Bellamy, who completely and utterly whooped my ass at it... The song "Honest" by Baby Keem played in the background over a speaker that Murphy found and plugged the phone into. Bellamy, Lincoln, and Octavia were out on the terrace having a conversation while leaning against the railing and looking out at the ruined town below. Murphy and Jasper were sitting on the couch in the living room watching Raven and Monty play some sort of racing game on an Xbox while they sipped their beers and wine from the bottles. Kane was somewhere outside in guard mode, patrolling the house with our wolf companion Warin, and I... was in the kitchen cleaning up and doing the dishes. Like I said, I wasn't much of a partier... Besides, if someone lives here and they're just out at the moment I didn't want to leave the place a mess.

I finished wiping down the countertop and decided to get started on bringing the food up from that bunker in the garage. I was walking down the hall toward the door to the garage when I heard some footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Murphy walking up to me with a beer bottle in each hand.

"Back to Clarke mode already, Princess?"

"Aren't I technically always in Clarke mode? I mean that is my name after all." I joked and he just looked at me with furrowed brows.

"You've been hanging out with Raven way too much..." I chuckled and looked at the beers in his hands. "This is for you." He handed me one of the already-opened beers. I could tell he had already had his fair share of drinks but he was trying to hide it. I took the beer with a smile.

"Thanks, I won't be drinking much though. I'm going to get a head start on bringing up the non-perishables from the bunker. Tomorrow we'll go through the guns and ammo." I took a sip of the stale beer and winced a little at the taste.

"Hmm... booooringg! How about I make you a deal, kay? I'll come down and help you bring a few things up but after that, you have to come join us." I stood there for a second. John Murphy offering to help? I know he's come a very long way on this trip and it's definitely not the first time he's offered but I still have to get used to it. I thought about his "deal" for a second and heard Raven cheer as she had successfully beaten Monty at their racing game yet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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