Chapter 12: Charger

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SEASON 7 IS HERE! I won't talk about the first episode in case some of you haven't seen it... but it was AWESOME! I am very worried about a certain character (those who have seen it will know who I'm talking about) and I hope they're okay! PLEASE NO SPOILERS IN THE REVIEWS BECAUSE THEY WILL BE DELETED BY ME! Enjoy the next chapter IT'S MY FAVOURITE ONE SO FAR! :)

Chapter 12: Charger

Bellamy's P.O.V:

I hate when Clarke's mad at me. It's happened more than once.. When we first landed and I had the 'whatever the hell you want' mentality. When I threw away the radio Raven brought down... then again, everyone was mad at me for that. I know I still hate myself for it. However, this is the first time it really hurts. Is it so hard for Clarke to understand that I can't lose her? I need her. As my co-leader.. My friend.. Hell, maybe I need her to be more than that. When she told me back at Arkadia that she was leaving I instantly tried to imagine what life would be like without her.. it would definitely change me. Clarke keeps me centered. Without her I would have been executed the second Jaha came down here. I have no doubt in my mind that if I knew Clarke back on the Ark I never would have shot him. She wouldn't have let me. It's kind of funny whenever I think about how much I've learned from a person I've only known for 2 months.. how much she has changed me and how much I care about her. I realized I was lagging behind the others with only Warin next to me, panting away. I looked up from the wolf and noticed we were in the heart of the wasteland; small, broken, shops on either side of us. Octavia and Monty were calling out for Murphy, Raven and Kane with Jasper calling out 'losers!' every now and then.. At least he's contributing. My attention turned to Clarke who was peering into the windows of the shops she passed to see if our friends were in them. I knew I had to fix things with her soon. Obviously right now my main focus has to be finding our missing friends. So Warin and I caught up to the others.

"Where could they have gone?" Monty asked after not receiving any answers from his last call out to Raven.

"The wasteland is known for having many secrets within it." Lincoln stated.

"Oooo erie.. So they could be in a dungeon right now?" Jasper joked, earning him a punch to the shoulder from Octavia.

"We're not leaving until we find them." Clarke stated, rejoining the group.

"Of course not." I agreed, she didn't look at me. You see, usually when I agree with Clarke she looks at me, sometimes she even gives off her beautiful smile, to acknowledge me. I swallowed the hurt down and just kept looking.

Eventually we made it to a 3 story condominium of some sort. It was in relatively good condition, minus it being caved into itself right in the middle of the building. We walked towards it, slowly. We heard a banging noise coming from, what seemed like underneath us.

"Alright, weapons up." I stated, hearing Jasper flip his gun off safety and Lincoln and Octavia unsheathing their blades. I decided that it would be ridiculous for the banging to be coming from underground so I lead everyone around the condominium hoping to find an entrance. We made it to the backside of the building. I was focused on my rifle's scope, aiming through the windows in case anyone was in there ready to pounce.

"Bellamy, watch out!" I heard my sister say. I looked at her and noticed she was pointing a finger in front of me. I looked down and saw a hole. It wasn't big.. Maybe three feet wide. I crouched down to try and look into it but it was pitch black. I started to hear cracking so I tried to stay as still as possible.

"Bellamy, get away from it.." Clarke said. I tried slowly standing up but there was another crack. I looked over at the group and saw Lincoln and Monty holding their hands out for me. I slowly reached for them but I must have shifted my weight too much because I just remember feeling nothing under my feet and falling into the abyss. I heard Clarke and Octavia shout "NO!" as well as barking from Warin before I landed on my back with a grunt, staring up at the sunlight coming through the hole I just fell in. I heard footsteps running over to me so I tried feeling around for my gun but it must have fallen into the darkness.

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