Chapter 2: Miss Me?

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Welcome back! This is where stuff starts to pick up! Please review and I'll give you a quick shoutout next chapter! :)

Chapter 2: Miss Me?

Murphys P.O.V (About 5pm)

The trek to "The City of Light", which turned out to be just a small bunker on an equally small island, was almost a 2-day trip. Since I'm not stopping, and I know where I'm going, I should get there by tomorrow morning at the earliest. It's not like I haven't done trips like this before.. When I was exiled from the hierarchy that was the dropship camp, I was beaten and tortured by the grounders. I was able to make the day trip from the grounder camp back to the dropship in less than half a day. Yeah... I think I can do this. Hell.. this time I have food and I'm not beaten half to death.

My thoughts were interrupted by a thud on the bottom of the boat causing it to rock back and forth pretty violently.

"Shit..." I said out loud remembering the creatures in the water that killed Richards and Craig.. Well.. in the end, it was Jaha who killed Craig but let's not talk about that lunatic.

I stood up aiming the revolver. Pretty much all over the water, frantically turning

around in the small boat, barely able to shuffle my feet. I wanted to at least get a glimpse of the thing. I saw a ripple and shot, a mini explosion of water following behind where my bullet went. The oversized leach dived down and again.. I lost sight of it. I tried to think.. And not like... what would Jesus do? More like.. What would Clarke do? I hated the fact that I even mentally asked that question but even I can't lie.. The princess isn't an idiot. I saw another swoosh of water and shot again. I noticed that wherever I shot the sea slug seemed to go. That's when it clicked for me... When the creature came out of the water, as it was swallowing Craig for a midnight snack, there was a detail about it that I didn't take in until just now..

"It's blind! You're blind!" I shouted at it as I lost sight of it again. I didn't have much to spare on me so I grabbed a few rocks that were stuck in between the grooves under my boots, collecting as many as I could. I had about a handful. I breathed in sharply and then exhaled. I tossed the rocks as far as I could but close enough for the thing to hear and feel them in the water. I waited a bit and nothing seemed to happen.. But then I saw the waves of the overly obese water snake follow the ripples of where the rocks landed. I grabbed the ores and rowed as fast, and as quietly, as I could.

"They don't call me the cockroach for nothing."

Bellamy's P.O.V (10pm)

I just finished my guard shift. I was on patrol today which, I gotta say, is a much better shift on Earth than it was on the Ark. Up there it was just endless hallways and doors with the occasional window where I got a view of Earth as I passed by. But down here... down here I get the towering trees, blue sky, and sound of the lake just behind the crash site. I get to hear the snap and shuffle of rocks and sticks under my feet, not the metallic clanking of the Ark's cold floors. Those floors made it feel more like a prison than a home. I gave my rifle to the next guard on shift and walked to the dining area of the camp, hoping there was some boar meat left. I walked over to the station where the meat usually sits and saw nothing but the rib cage. It looked like a bunch of savages tore it apart. I sighed and then pressed my lips together.

I felt some small hands softly placed on my tricep and when I turned around my heart skipped a beat. It was Clarke. She changed out of her grounder clothes and was wearing black jeans with a grey shirt under her black leather jacket. I think all of us changed out of today's clothes.. I, for one, burned the Mount Weather uniform. I couldn't be reminded of what I did to get it.

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