Chapter 12 Æ

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"Take these once a day before a meal." As he handed me a pill container, the doctor said. These are the medications that will force my kid to sit on my back instead of my stomach. I could only conceal my pregnancy in this way.

Just looking at the purple pills makes me nauseous. I had to make sure I took these every day; else, I would not be able to.

""Yes, physician. I'm grateful."  Shaking his hand, my mother said. Our family physician for many years, this man never once gave us any reason to fear.

"I never expected the great Apollo to be pregnant," he said, glancing at me. He chuckled.

Being "Untouchable" means that it's no secret that I was the great Apollo. I was now expecting a child from a man I would never even see again.

"It was unexpected. Doctor." I said. My voice came out really cold as if a warning.

"I'm sorry, Aella. I didn't mean it like that." He said, holding up his hands in defense.

"I'm pregnant not fucking paralyzed." I said, walking out.

"Take care." I heard my dad say.

"You know, baby girl." My mother said from behind me, causing me to stop in my steps to turn to her.

"You should be thankful for him."

"Yea, and he feels he could tell me all kind of shit." I said, folding my arms.

"Okay, we would say that's the hormones talking." She replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, now that's out of the way. Let's head back." My father said, walking towards us with my brother.

"Aella." My brother called my name. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. Looking at my parents and walking off.


When we returned, we saw him. The one I was not willing to see. He and his companion were giggling. My stomach turned, making me want to throw up.

My sibling gave me a glance. "No, Aella!" He yelled, and everybody turned to stare at us. I hurried to the closest plant and threw up on it.
The desire for him that isn't as intensely painful.

A hand was holding back my hair. My brother touched my hair, but why? I moved away from him and continued to flow into the earth. I ate anything green when?

Once more, my hair was being held. I wiped my mouth and said, "Brose, did I really tell you about my.."

My words got stuck in my throat. What the fuck is he doing here?

""What are you doing here, Nathaniel? And my brother, where is he?" I turned to see which way my brother should go.

"Are you okay?" He enquired. Hearing the voice I've been missing so much nearly made me melt.

"You look sick?" With his hands on my cheek, he spoke. I could feel the spark alive in my skin.

"Get your hands over me." I slapped his hands off of mine and said. "Never touch me again."

"I am so sorry, Aella." He expressed regret. I really wanted to forgive him, but I have to put myself and my child first.

"It's a little too late for that." With my hands folded, I spoke.

"Can't you forgive?" He said as he moved in my direction. I refused to back down.

I approached him and put my face to his. "How do I know this isn't a bet?"

His gaze shifted. He was hurt.

"That's not it, I promise you." He stated. I'm not going to trust him. Never once more.

"A promise is a comfort to a fool, and I am not the fool." I remarked, turning to leave.

.................................The next day.................

My clothes fit me perfectly. I weigh a fantastic amount. I was amazed at how much I had changed when I glanced in the mirror. I had no idea how drastically my life would alter, and suddenly I was carrying a life of my own.

I've grown into a woman. However, I'm afraid of what would occur if others discovered that I'm expecting. in particular, him.

I hate to admit it, but I worry for my life and the life of my child. I wasn't aware that tears were streaming from my eyes when I glanced at the mirror. More than ever, I long for him. I want to feel his body between my legs, give him a hug, and kiss him.

For him, the flesh between my legs twitch.
I missed the way he caressed my body and gave me the impression that I was his only priority. I feel lost right now.

"Babygirl?" My mom entered. She raced to me and gave me a firm hug when she saw how I was feeling.

She said, "Oh honey."

"I miss him, mom." I sobbed. Since I hadn't shed a tear since I was a young child, I knew she was taken aback. I sobbed as she gave me a strong hug. I was feeling like I needed to cry.

I'm so happy that my story is going as planned. The question is, would Nathaniel find out about the baby? We just have to wait and see.----- Æ

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