Chapter 10Æ

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Six months have passed. Six months of living in bliss, by which I mean six months of having sex with Aella. It seemed as if I had touched the night sky. We were also featured on the covers of Couple Weekly and other publications. Life is good.

I'm currently walking into the lunch room, and as I opened the door, I noticed Ivan and Arthur sitting at our table. I strolled up to our table and sat.

"Well if it isn't the man himself." Ivan stated. I smirked at him because I understand where he's coming from.

"All right, Mr. Man. Do you have anything to say to us?" That voice I hadn't heard in months has now appeared. That question alone made my heart skip a beat. Everyone surrounded us.

"What exactly are you talking about?" I asked. 

"Don't play like you don't know, did you do the bet?" She snorted. I heard everyone start to mumbled. I looked at Ivan and Arthur, who gave me a quick look which says don't say anything. 

"Come on Assa. Not today." Arthur said, trying to stop the conversation. 

"Let us know. Did you have sex with Aella?" 

"Yes I did. Happy?" I response, immediately." I fucked her many times. It was easy." Everyone gasped in shook. Is not so hard to have sex with someone. 

"How was it?" Assa asked.  Suddenly a glass was heard, making everyone look that way. 

My heart came out my body, she was standing right there. With an expression that i did not see in my life. Fuck! She turned and walked away, But i went after her because i could not let her go. 

"Aella wait, let me explain." I reached up to her. As I reached up to her she pulled away from me. 

"Explain what?" She turned to me. "That everything was just a fucking bet?" She shouted, I am well aware that everyone from the lunch room was looking at us through the glass window. 

"Yes it was like that before." I held on to her, "Before I knew who you were." She pulled away once again. 

"I don't fucking believe you."  She turned and run away this time. Seeing her back running from me made me feel like i lose the most important part of me. I lost her. 


 "Man are you good?" When the guys entered. I was not feeling well at the moment. She's on my mind all the time as I sit on the bed. She is sorely missed at the moment.

"Does it look like I am good?" I just saw the tears dripping into my clothes; I had no idea when they were going to come out.

"Hey, Man are you crying?" said Ivan.

"I told you not to do it." said Arthur. He was accurate. He did forewarn me, but I disregarded it. I am really awful. I was not taught this by my parents. I didn't like Assa, so all I wanted was for her to get off my case. "This is what you get for not listening."

"You have to suck it up, because the fashion show is in two months." Ivan was correct. We would be taking a break till the following fashion season in just six months.

Arthur said, "Look, man." I gave him a look."You lose her but that does not mean you can't get her back."

I questioned, "How?" as to how that could be possible at all.

"You just have to face reality and work on how you think you should get her back." Once more, Arthur shouted shit.

I said, "You are an asshole."

He chuckled, "That's why we are friend because you are an asshole." It's dinnertime because the bell rung. Would I like to eat now? No, but... he sighed.


With all eyes on me, I make my way to my table. I am aware that they were all present at my darkest hour. I feel like such a fraud that I could hardly look at anyone. Assa and her pals were screwing with my mind, making jokes about everything. 

"That's it!" Ivan stood up from the chair. "If any of you continue to fucking stare at this table. I'm going to kill everyone. Have you ever made a fucking mistake in your lives, any of you?" He yelled. He's a great friend, really.

Arthur said, "Look, man." I looked out the window and noticed Aella and her brother. He appeared enraged.

"I'll dig you up from your grave okay?" Ivan continued eating as usual. I had completely forgotten about the type of folks we were interacting with. Her brother withdrew something, which I couldn't quite see. Our gazes met as she turned to face us. Her sibling was dragged inside by her. I wonder what the topic of that was. 

My parents had once told me that being in love with the right person at the wrong time would cause constant chest pain, and now I understood why. To believe it, I had to witness the reality. I lose the one I love because of a foolish wager. I'm the same as a man who has cheated on his partner. Will I ever get her back? or have I lost my chance? 



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That is a ride. Many things happened so fast. Thank you once again for reading my book. 

again sorry for the mistakes. 

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