Chapter 5Æ

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She entered. Because of how damp her hair was, I could tell she had just taken a shower. She was simply wearing a short sweater. I caught a glimpse of her ass as she passed, and she smelt like she had just had a rose-scented bath. My pants are getting really tight.

 "What on earth are you wearing?" Edward yelled in a rage. She merely proceeded toward the platform without responding to his statement. Without a doubt, tension permeated the entire space. Even me, everyone was making a valiant effort to ignore the goddess who   entered. Everyone finished their day's work after two hours. I turned to see Aella talking with her relatives and their wives while smoking in the corner.

"I heard that you were performing tonight. " Edward spoke.  The question piqued everyone's curiosity. I understood what Arthur was trying to tell me and Ivan when he looked at us: pay attention. 

"Yep." Aella spoke, but it was obvious that she was too bored to say anything else. 

"Come out, you it is gonna be hot when your performing tonight. The bar is gonna be hot tonight." Edwin added. Bar? What bar? I wanted to know. The girls made a mocking sound. 

"Haha." Aella chuckled as she spoke, appearing at ease. "That whole fucking bar could kiss my ass." 

"They would love that, you know." Again at Edwin's remark, the girls made a jeering noise. 

"Not to mention that tonight's attire is stylish." The girl from Shashi said. "So go be ready we leave in a hour." They got up and walked out looking like the coolest mafia family ever. 

I looked at Ivan and Arthur they were done looking at me. "What?" I asked. shaking my head in the process. 

"We need to head to that bar tonight." Arthur said. I rose my right eyebrows. 

"Why?" I asked because why would i need to go there?

"Because prince ass, Your rebel princess is performing tonight and what better way to meet her and start something than a bar." Ivan picked up the answer to my question. I paused and looked at them. That's right it would be a good idea to do that. 


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