Chapter 3Æ

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"She is thirty-two." According to my father. What he said caused the tissue in my throat to tighten up. I knew I didn't like her yet, but I had been considering it. I couldn't believe she was my sister's age. What in the real. Fuck. 

Upon observing my astonished reaction, my mother remarked, "But don't worry, with love age does not matter." My mother knew just what to say. She has never been apathetic when it comes to relationships. 

"What? She could be my sibling. I blurted out loud. Being with someone twice my age was not possible.

"I am Twenty-two years old," I declare. I got to my feet and made a point by pointing at myself. My mother began laughing loudly. I found it hard to believe how amusing this is. 

"Mom, this is not funny." I remarked, annoyed that my own mother was laughing at me. My father raised one eyebrow at me. My mother yawned at that point, and that was the end of our chat. 

All three of us left my dad's office.


I couldn't get my mind off that woman when I lay down on my bed after a shower. She was like a shadow that had moved into my mental space. It was consuming me; I wanted to get her out of my head, but how?

My phone lighted up, and I could see texts from my buddies Ivan and Arthur. I took a look inside,

IVAN : Dude, I recently received a phone call informing me that all models must stay at the Apollo's residence for the duration of the modeling season. 

ARTHUR: You can't be serious, guy. I was going to go lime at my mother's house in Trinidad. So it seems like I'll have to pass.

ME: What day do we move?

IVAN: It should be on Saturday, dude. I'm so irritated that I don't know what to do. We'd have to see the Apollo Twin a lot more now.

 ARTHUR: Watch it, man, before Nathaniel hit your face off.

IVAN: As though we both understand that she is incredibly out of his league.

ARTHUR: Not the way I saw her looking into his soul, Hehe he.

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