Chapter 6

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When I wake up again it's bright outside, but I'm still tired. I have no idea what time it is, as night and day has turned completely around for me. But I don't care, I not moving either way.

Last night or this morning, I don't even know, but he kept me awake a lot longer than I wanted. He kept comparing me to that bitchy rich girl who can't choose between two guys. And him to the total underdog who you are bound to feel sympathy for, because he's poor and alone.

But we're nothing like them. I might be a bitch sometimes but I'm definitely not some rich 'poor me' kind of girl, who cries over how hard it is to have two guys love her at once. And he is nowhere near the underdog and I'd never in a million years feel sorry for him even if he is alone. Not after what he's done.

He also kept commenting on those cliché love quotes throughout the entire movie, like: 'if you're a bird, I'm a bird'. Cue barfing noises.

But ever since he compared me(or her I guess) to former Regina George, I can't help but think why he even took me. I mean from what I can gather I'm nothing like the girl his looking for, so why me? The only explanation I can think of is that I must look a lot like her, or he's even crazier than I originally thought.

I lie there with my thoughts for what must have been a couple of hours, before the rumble in my stomach gets too much. Yes I've stayed in here despite my hunger, whatever it takes to get time away from him.

Admitting defeat I roll over without spearing my butt a second thought, but when I land on it pain takes over my body and I bit my lip to keep me from screaming out. Fisting the sheets I slowly throw my legs over the side of the bed and get onto my feet.

It feels weird because I haven't been walking for quite some time. When I think about it he has either carried me, pulled me or thrown me around. When I stand up I notice that I'm only in his white T-shirt, my bottom still bare from when he hit me.

I'm not at all comfortable not wearing any pants, but when I think of the pain I would have to go through to get them on and having them rib against my skin, being in only a T-shirt seem like the better choice. Besides it's so big it's almost like a dress.

With small steps I walk towards the door, staying close to the wall to keep me steady. Ever time I step down a new flash of pain spreads through me and if it hurts this bad, I don't even want to think about what it looks like.

When I'm out I try to find the kitchen, purposely avoiding the door to his office. I don't wanna make that mistake again.

I hear humming, and my feet subconsciously takes me carries me toward it, though I know it can only come from one person.

I enter the kitchen and the mouthwatering smell makes the little bubble I was in burst. He stands with his back to me so he hasn't seen me yet. In the moment I'm conflicted, I thought a lot about what I'm gonna do as I laid in bed and I realized that the only thing I can do right now is to win his trust.

When I've accomplished that, then I can think about how I'm going to get the hell out of here. I've decided that I won't try telling him who I am. I'll do what ever it takes to get out of here alive. And no matter how afraid of him I am, I can't let it get in my way of getting out of here. I'm gonna have to be strong and keep it together for the time being.

"Hi" I curse under my breath at how small my voice is, wishing that I could sound less afraid. He turns around before I can blink and the loving and surprised look on his face makes me want to go back to bed. Alone.

"Hi babe, I'm glad you're up foods almost ready" he says as his focus goes back to the food sizzling on the stove.

"O-okay, can I help with anything?" ugh why does it have to be like this? I almost wish he could just be like any other kidnapper and keep me in a locked room, but when I think of the dark room I immediately discard the thought. Though I might hate acting civil towards him like he hasn't kidnapped and hurt me, I would rather him be like this. I just have to not make him mad again.

"Yes thank you, you can set the table" I nod and walk towards the cupboards, surprisingly opening the right one on my first try. As I reach out for two plates I notice the bandages on my wrists are clean again. I turn to him.

"Did you change these?" I ask, showing him my wrists.

"Yes, I did it while you slept" he explains. "Thank you" he turns around, both him and I shocked over the words just came out of my mouth. It must've been out of habit.

He walks over to me, making I regret leaving the bedroom in the first place. Even though he doesn't seem mad, fear still fills my body. I'm so tired of being on edge all the time, it's exhausting.

When he reaches me, which doesn't take long at all, he lifts up my shirt to get a hold on my hips, but I quickly nudge his hands away. I don't want his hands on me. He goes for it again but I take a step back.

"D-don't, I'm not wearing any u-underwear" I mentally slap myself, looking up at him with fearful eyes. Why the hell did I just say that? Do I have no filter between my thoughts and mouth? And just as I knew a smirk appears on his face and I see lust in his eyes. He leans forward until his mouth is right next to my ear.

"No underwear huh?" his words has got me shaking.

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