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Sun 16 Jul 1995
Hey its me Alex. I've been in bed for the last three days. I still need to take it easy mom says. I haven't been able to eat much for a while. After mom had me calmed down on  our trip back home I was put to bed. I've been sick ever since. Yesterday i stayed in bed and didn't get up.
Today I still feel yucky and my stomach is all wobbly inside. I cried again today because Tori and Jessie are probably having lots of fun without me. Mom is kind to me since I'm sick, but I can tell she's starting to get angry. "You were sick Alex, you needed to come home." "They understand that you didn't mean too." "But you should have said your stomach was all gross feeling." "But I didn't know until we were driving." I said, "then you should have asked to pull over or stop somewhere."
I need to go back to bed now, because I still feel not good.
Mon 17 Jul 1995
Today I feel much better. Mom says we can go to the coast now, and I can spend time with everyone. I've been excited ever since. I didn't miss too much time. But I have to wait until Wednesday before  I can go back, just in case I'm still a little. Sick.
I don't want to wait for two more days. Mom reminded me that I threw up all over last week and my stomach is only feeling better today. That my body is recovering and please give it time to feel all the way better before I go on another long drive.
I've been watching tv today and eating soft foods like mashed potatoes and apple sauce. for the last two days all I've had is jello and broth. Tomorrow if I can eat toast without butter, crackers, and a little chicken or tuna I can go on Wednesday to the coast. Maybe we can spend the last two weeks at the coast before we go on the hike.
I don't like the hikes Tori and her family take, but I don't like to be left out either. Sometimes I wonder if Jessie even likes me. I talked to Tori this morning after I took my vitamin  and she's glad I'm coming back to stay for a few weeks. But Jessie heard and I heard her groan, "Oh no." Before Beth said it was time for them to go sea shell hunting.
So they're all having fun but me, and its making me feel mad. I banged my head against the wall until dad said, "Alex if you don't stop that right now you aren't going back to the coast or on the hike with tori's family, you can stay home until you all go back to school." "But dad." I said, "One more whine and you'll catch it."
When he says that I have to mind or I'll really catch it as he says it. That means I'll not only get grounded but maybe even a spanking. Some people don't like that I can get a spanking but its fine. Because after that I really am sorry.
I need to go because mom says I still need my rest.
Wed 19 Jul 1995
Finally I'm here. Tori and Jessie have been on the beach when i got there. Mark was cooking burgers on the grill when I got there and Stephanie and her friends were shopping. I wanted to go to the beach with tori and Jessie but Mark said it was almost time for dinner. I wanted to say no fair and started too when dad who came with us said, "Alex Lee Myers-if you don't stop that pouting we'll turn right around and take you back home." "Tori's parents don't have to let you all come here." '"And Mark and Beth don't have to be nice enough to watch all three of you." "they already have to take care of Tori." Said mom.
I sighed and asked, "What are we doing tonight?" "I think Tori and Jessie are going to the movies tonight." Said Mark, "Can't I go?" I asked, "Probably not, since they've planned this for three days now." Said Mark, "But." "I want to go too. I started to cry, "Alex." That was dad being sharp with me again. I wiped my face and sighed, "It might be a good idea for you not to go out tonight anyway." "You're just starting to eat solid foods again." "Maybe if they go again you can go."
Mom and dad finally left and Mark and Stephanie cut tomatoes and lettuce for burgers, "I don't eat that." I said, "Other people do though Alex." Said Mark, I could tell he was a little mad so I sat down in the rocking chair and listened to my CD player until Tori and Jessie got back.
Later that night after our dinner Mark and Beth lit the fire-pit Tori's parents had and we roasted marshmallows. I only was able to have one. It made me mad, but I bit my lip. Then Tori shocked me after I grumbled to her, "Its not fair you all have had lots of fun and even got to do things I didn't." "Its not fair." "Well its not fair you threw up all over Mark's van, or me." "Stop whining Alex." "You're starting to make me mad." Tori doesn't ever get mad. Well she might get mad, but it doesn't happen very much. So I sat quiet and went to bed when Beth said it was time without fussing. I'm just writing this all down after brushing my teeth. Goodnight.

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