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Friday 1 September 1995
Hey Journal,
Its me Alex. I've been visiting with my Grandma while Jessie's been in Vermont. I did go sleep over at Tori's house for three days which was really wonderful. I had to go to the dentist to get one of my teeth pulled.
I got my period for the second time when I was at tori's house and had cramps so bad I had to go home. I would have stayed another night but I was feeling so bad. Plus I bled all over my jeans and had a weeping fit about it. Tori's aunt Carrie was nice about it and she helped me out. But after that I didn't want to stay there.
I'm still mad that I didn't get to go to the wedding. Anna and Isaac went on their honeymoon to Greece and Israel and came back so we could have a big family gathering before everyone goes back to what their doing. Ana was all smiles and saying I should visit her and Isaac at their new place. I said no I didn't want to go to their new place. Why should I go to their new place? then mom gave me this look and started speaking in Yiddish, "Ir ton nit hobn tsu zeyn azoy shreklekh far di vas libe ir." "Ir darfn tsu arbetn aoyf zayendik veyniker fun a meynen mentsh, aun mer fun a laving eyner." farshteyt ir mikh?
Weirdly I knew what she said because I translated it right back to her and replied in Yiddish. I guess all those Yiddish talks have really helped me learn. "What did she say?" Asked Isaac. "You don't have to be so horrible to those who love you. You need to work on being less of a mean person, and more of a loving one. Do you understand me?" Then I said, and translated. "Ikh volt zeyn mer laving aoyb mentshn volt nisht lozn mir aoys fun zakhn!" "I would be more loving if I wasn't left out of things!"
Mom reminded me that I needed to be loving no matter what. I said something and mom suggested I go to bed without dessert. I loudly protested and mom sent me to bed. So now I'm mad all over again. It seems lately I am mad about a lot of things.
Mom must've been worried because she came in later to talk to me about it. "You seem so mad allot honey." I hate being called honey, but at the same time mom was there talking to me. "Yeah." I said. "why are you so mad?" She asked, "Because I didn't get to go to the wedding." I said. "You're tooth had to be pulled." Mom said, "Well I still could have gone." I said. "I know that but you would have not enjoyed it." Mom said. "What else?" "Isaac and Ana are getting all the attention." I said.
"Isaac and Ana are getting the attention because they are newly married." Mom said, "I didn't get to go with Tori and her family on the hike." I said, "Jessie didn't go either, and tori didn't go either." "This summer's rotten!" I said bursting into tears. "I got the stomach flu and threw up all over the van." "There was food I didn't like." "I have to learn Yiddish and I got my period at tori's and she hasn't got hers yet." "So I had to ask her aunt for stuff." I wailed.
Mom held me in her arms. "I think that's the thing that really bothering you isn't it?" She asked. "It could be." I said. "Well." said mom, "It happens to allot of us when we're learning." "It still happens to most women." "Its pat of life." "Don't let it get you down Alex."
"School will be starting soon and you love that." "Yeah." I said softly, starting to calm down. "And attention won't always be on Isaac and Ana." "You'll have times where you get attention." "After Yom kipper you'll have your Bat Mitzvah and you'll get all the attention then." She patted my head.
I felt better after that and mom said, "Why don't you relax tomorrow and then we'll go school shopping." "Its almost time for that you know." I nodded. It would still be school soon and I would be with tori and Jessie again.
Sunday 3 September 1995
We went school shopping today which I was really happy about. Even though I hate shopping it was just mom and me. We went out to lunch afterword to my favorite place. Or one of my favorite places. I had the chicken strips and fries and a big giant ice cream sundae with all the whip cream, except the nuts. I don't like those.
Then dad took me to the grocery store so we could buy some food for tomorrow's Labor Day barbecue. Isaac and Ana were there, and so was amber. They'd come to see me off to school so they're spending the night. Tomorrow's the last day of Summer. So we best soak it all inn mom says.
Monday 4 September 1995
Today was great! We had a barbecue with chicken and macaroni salad and fruit, and chocolate cake. We watched part of the muscular dystrophy telethon, something I know Tori watches every Labor Day. I got bored after two hours of it. then mom said I needed to go shower and get packed for tomorrow. I'm so excited I don't know if I'll be able to sleep.

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