We could have known something was off when the shareholders insisted on having the meeting here. Are they all part of this too? But they were confused too. I doubt they do. They might know about the ownership transfer but not aware that it was done without my dad's full consent.

The look on Freen's face when the police handcuffed me can't be forgotten. I know she was hurt seeing that but maybe she needed to do it to prove something. I still don't know what her plans are but I am already sad. Because of how affected my dad is with the whole thing going on. Wait! Why should I be sad? He deserved everything happening right now.

"Freen got us both arrested? Why would she arrest you? I don't have any problem with her doing this to me but why arrest you too? Why?" My dad fumed. I ignored him and looked out of the window.

As if he cares about me. I am sure he would give me away instantly if it means having his company back. He would get me behind bars and do worst than her. What's worst than giving me away to Jane in marriage just to protect the business?

After some minutes we arrived in the police station. We were made to sit in the interrogation room. I feel embarrassed. I haven't been in this situation before. We stayed for over an hour without anyone coming to meet us.

"I can't believe this is happening. You see why I said she isn't good for you?" My dad.


"How the hell did I not see this coming? She played me. Fuck! I wish I had punched her more harder in the nose." He continued ranting angrily while I remained mute.

"Say something!!" He yelled.


"Say something or I will assume you know about this!!" He yelled again.

"Really? I should say something? Then I will. You messed up! You sold the company out of your carelessness! You brought this upon yourself and you really have no one to blame for that!"

"I am handcuffed and locked in this room.. and for what? All because of you!! You have done nothing but bring trouble to me. I am losing my mind right now and I need you to stop talking so I can concentrate." I yelled in frustration.


"You know instead of getting angry, you should be majorly concerned over why we are here"

"Why should I? We have done nothing wrong..."

"You think they know that?" I cut him off and he got silent. 

The door opened in a minute and two men walked in each with files in their hands. Followed by Freen's lawyer and the one called Mr. Lee. But Freen is not with them. Where is she?

"Mr. Armstrong, we have some complaints against you" one of the men said and dropped a file infront of my dad.

"Something as serious as that must come with immediate action and that's what we just did." He continued.

"I did nothing. She is the one that swindled me of my company. She should be here not me" My dad said.

"The report here says you're after her life and that of her family. and now that you know she owns your company, you will get them killed even before she goes back to Bangkok..."

"What the hell? I am not that evil. I would never...." My dad said.

"Did you or did you not threaten her life?" Mr. Lee fumed cutting him off.

"I was never serious with that. I am not a killer. I only threatened to do that.."

"You stalked every of her move, tapped into her phone conversations, and bugged her apartment. Am I wrong?"

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