"Wow really?! So you were planning to go independent??"

"That's right" Chang-sun said with a serious but determined look. He then smiled at Jun who looked so excited.

"You were thinking so big! Hey, if you get popular don't forget about me okay? If you forget I won't forgive you!"

"Hahaha! How could I forget you? You're my only close friend" Chang-sun warmly smiled at Jun whose cheeks reddened at that sight.

"...Hehehe" Jun felt so pleased. He was grinning from ear to ear as he stood up from his seat, he walked around the table and sat next to Chang-sun. "Me too! Elliot is also my only close friend!"

Both of them smiled at each other, their aura was happy and relaxed. They didn't notice a certain fake blondie was watching from the distance with frustration in his eyes.

"...Tch!....That pink haired freak thinks he could humiliate me last time...? I'll show him who's the true boss here..." He then walks away with a smirk on his face as he began to call up someone that is perfect for the job he's about to offer.


The next day, there was some pictures pasted on a board where the public could see. All the students gathered around it and started to murmer amongst themselves.

"Waaahh....What is this..?"

"Gosh, so disgusting..."

"This is the worst!"

"Why, what happened?"

"Look at those pictures..."

"Isn't that Jun?"

Chang-sun just arrived at the University, when he noticed a crowd of students forming around something, they all looked at the same thing. Among them was Jun who stood there at the middle with a blank look on his face.

"Jun...?" Chang-sun softly called out, he felt like something was wrong. He quickly walked over and squeezed through the crowds of students.

"Jun!" Chang-sun shouted. Jun who heard his call Slowly turned around.

Jun didn't have any expressions on his face whatsoever, but when he saw Chang-sun he quickly brightened up. "Elliot! You're here!~"

Chang-sun finally arrived at his side. "...Jun...Huff, what's wrong? Why is everyone..." When Chang-sun finally caught his breath and looked up towards the board, he went silent. "...What..."

Multiple pictures were pasted on the board, the subject of the picture was Jun.

It seemed someone took photos of Jun hanging out with different guys as they walked out of suspicious places. And there was also a picture of Jun recieving money from an old man. The picture was clearly trying to imply something...Something bad...

Chang-sun stared blankly for a moment before he realized that Jun has been staring at him the whole time.

"Elliot. You know I wouldn't do something like that right?" Jun looked so calm, too calm.

"...Of course, I trust you...I know you wouldn't." Chang-sun completely trusts Jun. He knows that someone was trying to ruin Jun's reputation! And it was clearly working seeing all these students looking at Jun with a disgusted look.

Jun seemed ecstatic to hear that. "Hehe! As expected, only Elliot is my one and true friend.....Everyone else....They should die..."

Chang-sun wasn't able to hear the last parts of Jun's words. It was too quiet. But he was too worried to care about it. "...Come." Chang-sun said as he held Jun's hand and walked away. His head held up high, clearly showing that he wasn't gonna back down from all the people staring at them.

Jun stared at Chang-sun's broad and reliable back with light in his eyes. His cheeks reddened as he smiled.

When they were far enough from all the people, Chang-sun finally let's go but Jun grabbed his wrist. "...I want to hold your hand more." Jun whispered softly.

And Chang-sun's heart softened when he saw Jun relying on him. "Of course, we can hold hands for as long as you like."

Jun felt satisfied with that answer, and so he intertwined their fingers.



Chang-sun's grip tightened as he stared at Jun with a steady look. "Don't worry about earlier, so if you need a shoulder to cry on. I'll be here for you"

Jun's heart felt warm. His cheeks reddened and he smiled even more "You're worried about me...That's enough to keep me alive. When I see you looking at me with such eyes, it makes me energetic. I feel alive when you're around.."

"So that's why, continue to look at me. Okay? Because everything is better when you're around."

Chang-sun felt that Jun's words were exaggerated, yet not at the same time. He couldn't help but chuckle. "Well okay."

'Jun seems calmer than I expected...He must be so strong.'

[I don't think so.]

'Eh? What do you mean Pin?'

[If I were to tell you, you would ignore me.]

'If you don't wanna tell, then don't. It's fine!' But Chang-sun sulked that Pin wouldn't tell him his thoughts.

<Jun is definitely not normal, since anyone who gets framed in that way would definitely panic or have a mental breakdown.>

<Though he has a bit of a unique personality, his true nature felt so familiar.> Pin thought. His smart brain quickly caught on this weird coincidence.

[...Hmm...That's impossible..]

'..... Impossible? What're you talking about Pin?'

[I was just talking to myself.]

<It's impossible that Jun is Jian...How come the honeysuckle did not detect his soul if he were Jian?>


<Unless someone tampered it considering that soul binding was the most lowest and cheapest item in the system store. So it is possible that someone was able to do that.>

<But who could it be and how..? I need to observe more seriously now...>

To Be Continued!

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