Cooking Spell

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"How can someone burn water?" Monica asked her friend Sally.

Sally had somehow managed to burn water instead of boiling it. There was a limit to how bad someone could be at something, and Sally had exceeded that level.

The smoke detector was going off like crazy as the smoke from the burnt water had reached its sensors. Hearing the smoke detector was an everyday norm in Sally's house. All the neighbours had become accustomed to it.

Cooking class had been hopeless for Sally. She had made the most awful food among all the students. The food was revolting - too much salt, burnt to a crisp, or the wrong ingredients. The chef who took the class had been patient with her, but as she made mistakes over and over again, the chef had no choice but to ask her to leave the class. She was a disgrace to him.

Sally had decided that she would stay away from cooking and just order takeout. But how long could she survive on takeout? She couldn't live her life like this.

Sally was determined she would start with the simplest things first - boiling water. With her friend to supervise, she poured water into a pan and placed it on the stove and turned on the stove. She left the stove on and went into the backyard to talk with her friend. The conversation was interrupted by her smoke detector.

Hurrying into the kitchen, she discovered the water burnt in the pan. It seemed hopeless, but Sally was adamant about cooking something without ruining it.

Sally was browsing the internet whenever she could to find a solution to her cooking. None of the websites were able to help. She knew her cooking was beyond help. But one day, she came across a website with a curious video. She clicked on it, expecting clickbait, but to her surprise, it wasn't. It was exactly as the description said it would be—a solution to ruined cooking.

"You see this burnt roast beef? Wave your hand over it and say 'coquinam reparare'," said a lady in the video.

Sally laughed at the lady. Some people would do anything to get views on their video. It was getting ridiculous.

Sally opened one of her cookbooks and started to prepare a roast chicken. She placed it in the oven for an hour. She turned on the timer and left the kitchen. As the timer rang, she hurried back to the oven and took the roast out.

She had failed again. The roast was burnt, and she had to throw it away. Before discarding it, she decided to wave her hand like the lady from the video and say those made-up words just for fun.

"coquinam reparare," said Sally as she waved her hand over the roast.

Sally was astonished. The roast was no longer burnt. It looked as if someone else had cooked it. How was this possible?

Sally went over to her cookbook and cooked another item - baked potato. She managed to burn it also. Now she had to say those strange words and wave her hands. To her surprise, the potato wasn't burnt anymore.

"The words must be some kind of spell," thought Sally.

She decided she would make a feast for her family and close friends. It would be the best feast that anyone had ever had. It would be a feast to remember.

Sally set the menu and invited all her guests. As her guests arrived and saw the food, they asked who had cooked the food. Some of the guests asked if she had the food catered for her.

When Sally explained that all the food was made by her, no one believed her. Why would they? They knew how terrible of a cook Sally was.

Sally took them to the kitchen and showed the messy countertops. Everyone was having a hard time believing their eyes. Sally had really cooked the food for the feast.

Now it was time for tasting the food. Was the food as good as it looked? Sally had her fingers crossed. As each guest took their first bite, the taste of the food was as good as the food looked.

The guests wanted to know Sally's secret. Sally decided that they wouldn't believe her even if she told the truth, so she kept quiet. Sally was grateful to the lady who had shown her how to fix her ruined food.

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