Mutant Crocodiles

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Large clouds overhead began to close in, draining away the little amount of light that was present that night. The heavens had opened, and a steady drizzle of rain began to descend from the blackened clouds. The world had become a shade darker and wetter than it currently was. As the drizzle turned into a downpour, fiery lightning illuminated the darkness, followed shortly by a deafening rumble.

Just outside the perimeter of the town lay a swamp that contained murky water and dense tangled vegetation. Rising from the water were many mangroves, each tree's roots partially submerged in the dark, murky depths of the swamp.

Among the swamp were crocodiles, some resting in the water while others lay along the banks of the swamp. As the thunderstorm proceeded, the once calm crocodiles became restless, displaying unusual activity such as pacing, thrashing, and exhibiting signs of heightened awareness.

As the next day arrives, the town's local veterinarian sets out to check on the crocodiles after hearing from some of the public about the restlessness of the crocodiles. Upon entering the swamp, she comes across an ominous blue algae. Calling the herpetologist, she asks if yesterday when he visited, any blue algae was present. The herpetologist confirms that yesterday there was none. They both conclude that the algae must have appeared overnight. The herpetologist asks if he should come to check on the crocodiles. The vet says she will let him know of any unusual findings.

As the vet examines each crocodile, she stumbles across a horrifying discovery – a crocodile exhibiting alarming mutations. As she continues to examine the rest of the crocodiles, she discovers that the mutated crocodile is not an isolated case. There were more mutated crocodiles. Each crocodile had sharp claws and the ability to walk upright.

Before the vet can call the herpetologist or the authorities about this alarming situation, two men approach her. Both assure her that they have come to get rid of the mutant crocodiles and the blue algae. With the situation being taken care of, the vet walks away in relief. The vet soon stops in her tracks, wondering where the men would take the crocodiles.

As the men finish loading the crocodiles into a large truck and start to drive away, the vet follows them in her car from a distance. After a strange and hectic thirty-minute drive, the truck stops in front of a hidden research facility. The two men bring each crocodile inside the facility.

The vet parks the car behind some trees and sneaks into the facility. There, in the research laboratory, were a group of researchers testing the mutant crocodiles. She overhears a conversation between a scientist and a man wearing a suit.

"The blue algae did the job," said the scientist. "The crocodiles can now be used for military and biological warfare."

"The boss at SullenCorp will be pleased," said the man in the suit.

The vet was horrified by what she heard. SullenCorp was conducting illegal genetic experiments through the usage of the blue algae within the confinement of the swamp. SullenCorp had arrived in this town two weeks ago, operating with an air of secrecy.

The vet was determined to expose the corporation and their malevolent intentions. She planned to reach out to the authorities and the media to shed light on the truth and bring the corporation down.

Unbeknownst to the vet, the corporation would do anything to keep their true intentions hidden from the public eye.

Before the vet could go to the authorities, she needed to collect evidence. She waited in the facility until the researchers left the laboratory. Entering the laboratory, she took a vial containing the blue algae. Next, she took multiple photos and videos of the mutant crocodiles on her phone before sneaking out of the facility and driving back to her vet clinic.

The vet calls the herpetologist to come as quickly as possible to her clinic. When he arrives, the vet shows her findings from the hidden research facility- the photos, videos and the blue algae. She explains that SullenCorp is creating mutated crocodiles for military purposes using the blue algae.

The vet saves all the videos and photos on her laptop, writes down everything she witnessed in a diary, and records all her evidence as voice recordings on her phone. With all her evidence put together, the vet must find the proof that the blue algae is causing the mutations.

Upon investigating the blue algae, she discovers that they are bioengineered. She now has her proof for the authorities. With everything put together, the vet and the herpetologist head to the police. The vet explains everything she saw and heard and hands over the evidence.

The following day, disturbing news fills the newspaper. A group of police have gone missing, and no one can find them. The next news shocks her even more. The herpetologist, whom she shared her evidence with, was found in his laboratory unconscious. He is now being treated in the hospital and has no recollection of the previous day.

The vet knew SullenCorp was behind both incidents. With evidence still on her phone and some of the blue algae at her clinic, the vet was determined to reveal the true intentions of the corporation.

Before the vet can take action, she becomes prey to SullenCorp. The videos and photos on her phone have mysteriously been deleted. The voice recording is also gone. Upon entering her clinic, she can't find her diary, and her laptop won't turn on. She is left with no tangible proof to support her claims against the corporation.

The vet realises that she is now a target of SullenCorp. Her every move is watched, her communication intercepted, her credibility lost, and those trying to help her silenced in eerie ways. As the public distances from her, the vet is left to question her actions and if she will be able to leave this nightmare behind before she goes crazy.

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