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"Will you and Gridman fight alongside us?"

Those words that Shinjo said were repeated in my head, over and over. I felt confused, but I felt even more guilty just thinking about it. After the horrible things Gridman and I did, after trying to kill them, she wanted us to join them for the final battle.

As I thought about it, I walked through the streets of Tsutsujidai alone. It was night time, and when morning arrives, the other me and his friends will leave to travel to the other timeline, my home.

Nande...? I thought to myself. Why does Shinjo want me...? Why does Shinjo want us to go along with them...? I couldn't figure out her reason as to why. It just didn't make sense. For someone like me, an evil and horrible murderer, to be asked to help save the lives of others. It sounds ridiculous.

People walked past me, some being silent while others gossiped to each other. Their voices and footsteps echoed in my mind, and I could feel my heart beat getting faster and faster as each second passed by.

Nande...? I repeated it again in my head. Nande, nande, nande...?

The guilt and pain continued to torture me on the inside. I could tell it was torturing Gridman as well. Yet, for some reason, through all of that, I felt something else. Something that pierced through all of that. I don't want to fight...I can't allow myself to fight. But...what is this feeling in my chest...?

The truth was, that wasn't really how I felt. As much as I don't want to admit it, I want to end this once and for all. I want to rest. I want everyone in both timelines to just live in peace. I want to atone for my sins.

I stopped in the middle of the city, and I looked up at the night sky, gazing at the stars above. "..."

My Accepter beeped. "Yuta."

There was a brief pause and it was silent.

"I don't want to fight...but..." I paused for a moment, then clenched my fists. "We have to...don't we...? To save our timeline, to save avenge Rikka, Utsumi, Knight, and the others..."

"That's right."

There was another brief pause and it was silent.

I looked down at my Accepter. "This is something...I must do..."


Beyond Tsutsujidai

After grabbing Junk from the shop, all of us headed off to the outskirts of Tsutsujidai. Once we arrived, we saw the fully restored Soundras, ready for us to board.

"Let's go," said Yomogi.

Yume nodded. "Right." The two of them headed onto the ship.

"Raagh!!" Goldburn screeched.

"Hey, can I ride with Goldburn?" Chise asked.

"Maybe next time, Chise," said Koyomi.


Koyomi and Chise followed behind Yomogi and Yume, boarding on the ship. Next, it was the Neon Genesis Junior High, carrying Junk along with them.

I took a deep breath, then I stepped towards the ship. Before I boarded, however, I turned around to see Rikka and Utsumi standing still, staring at us and the ship. "Doshita?" I asked.

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