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In the darkness, there laid two black coffins with the letters "SSSS" in red. I walked beside them quietly, and carefully looked at each of them.

"My friends...I came here to talk to you guys again."

The coffins laid still and everything around was silent.

"We've captured someone you wouldn't believe we've captured." I paused. "We're planning to question them, ask them why they're here in Tsutsujidai. After...all this time..."

There was a brief pause; it became even more silent and it turned a little cold as well.

I gently placed my hands on both coffins and stared at them. "You know...I wish you two were here with me. It's so peaceful quiet..." I smiled. "The three of us would've been so happy together..."

There was another brief pause as I closed my eyes and grieved for my friends.


Suddenly, my Accepter beeped and I opened my eyes. I stared at the coffins one last time, then I let go of both of them. "I'll be leaving now, but...I'll come visit you two again. I promise." I began to walk out, but then I stopped. "I forgot. I came here to give you two a gift."

I went over to the coffins again and placed one Accepter next to each of them.

"No matter where I go, whether it be another world or another universe...we will always be together." I walked away with a smile on my face and left.


I slowly opened my eyes and woke up to see that everything around me was blurry; I felt lightheaded and weak, and I couldn't seem to move my body at all.

What happened...? I...?

"She's awake."

My vision slowly went back to normal and I could see everything clearly again. I saw who was talking and saw that we were in a dark room with a single light shining above us.

"Ohayou, Nidaime."

"Y-Yume-san...? Yomogi-kun...?" I moved my arms and saw that I was tied up to a chair. I looked around to see Knight unconscious and tied up as well, then I remembered. "You...tased us. Why...?"

Yomogi came forward and stared at me in the eyes. "Did you really think we would let you go after being gone for all this time?"


"Don't give us that confused look, Nidaime," said Yume.

I see. They're talking about their Nidaime. That must be why they kidnapped me...why both of us were kidnapped...

Yomogi sighed. "And besides...all of those questions you asked us yesterday? It was all too suspicious, especially coming from you."


He stared at me for a moment, then tilted his head. "Strange. You're Nidaime, but...something's off about you."


"'re right. She does look a little different in a way..."

"Are you really Nidaime?"

"I am, but...probably not the one you know. Hehe..."

"What does that mean?"

"Look, we were just trying to figure out something, and when we saw you, we thought...we could get answers and maybe some help."

SSSS GRIDMAN: DYSTOPIAМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя